• Episode 165 - My Relationship with Cosmos
    Sep 25 2024

    Remember that you grand, and complex and exquisitely formed from the musical cords of memory, that your grestest relationship is with the universe, the magnificent cosmos within. Cosmic Sound gave birth to the universe. We are born with music and dance inscribed in every cell of our being. The human memory field is stupendous is engendered from sound vibration. Our Cosmic birth is transformed and sustained by the force of the five elements -Akasha, Space - being the most subtle of the elements and the infinite container in which we are continually replenishes intelligence.

    We are imbued with cosmic memory formed from the very beginning of time. Every cell, atom in our body is sustained, nourished and calibrated by the vibration of these vibrational memories. We are endowed with a set of imprints that support our physical, emotional and spiritual anatomy- which is being automatically upgraded and refined by the cosmic sound. We experience, move and throb with the creation through both individually and collectively through cosmic memory. In this way, every exoeriencing is a form of remembering.

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    21 Min.
  • Episode 164: Breathe
    Sep 11 2024

    Prana- The power of breath, supported by many thousands of conduits from the cosmos. At this powerful time of human isolation, let us remember one of our most potent inner medicines which we may simply call upon to heal and be stronger, the power of breath. Prana controls the breath of the planetary heart. The fantastic rise of heart-related diseases and other health impairments are due, in part, to the dysfunction of bodily prana. When breath suffers, sadness prevails. This eternal breath moves the entire universe. Imagine the earth spinning in her galactic dance with other planets in the cosmos. What a gorgeous feat it is to observe prana. The breath of the planet is the source of vitalization and renewal. When this layer of energy is sickened, the earth and her inhabitants exude fear, pain, tremors, and spasms.

    Pranayama, the practice of breathing in harmony with universal rhythms was handed down by the world’s oldest known cosmic physicists, scientists - the Vedic seers of the Hindu Tradition. This knowledge of prana, along with numerous breath practices can help us to seal health and keep us in harmony with our universe.

    Go ahead...breathe consciously and leisurely, spend the next few minutes feeling the harmonic resonance you are creating wihin and without.

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    20 Min.
  • Episode 163- Kindness is the Way
    Aug 27 2024

    In this time of the divisive otherness when wars, hatred, violence and disasters erupt around the world, we are reminded that demonstrating kindness is the most effective path to healing rift, grievances, and despair. During these times, when we are overpowered by these conditions which may appear omni-present in our personal world, we are called to remember our nature of kindness. . Kindness is an innate part of human nature. We do not have to reach deep to find it. It is ever-generating, ever present. Kindness and Love are not emotions, these are attributes which are deeply configured into the DNA of our tissues and memory. These innate elements are always in the undercurrent of our lives waiting to rise to our rescue. Often, we suppress this nature through fears, preoccupation or distractions stemming from painful, difficult and disruptive occasions that are unfolding in our lives.

    Listen In as Maya reveals the balm of kindness ......

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    23 Min.
  • Episode 162 - Elder Wisdom and The Guru
    Aug 6 2024

    A Guru. The simple, pure form of the soul born to selfless search and service of the "I", The Self that is "Tat Tvam Asi" = "I am that illimitable consciousness". Across the vast swatch of nature, we are surrounded by the bliss of the Guru each and every moment. Each and every part of nature is a Guru, Mother Earth is a humungous Guru, each tree a teacher, each drop of water a devotee saint, every breath of air, a refreshing master. Nature's seed sovereignty is a ruling Guru without whose sacrificial participation we starve to death.

    Did you know that every vulgar, vile, violent experience is a “Saturnal “ Guru, learning by the lash of the whip. However, arduous and bitter the lessons are these experiences remain our teaching curves. Our perennial Gurus. When first I wrote these words, my lessons from the vicious experience of being targeted by well-organized hate- driven bullies were still maneagable. It is twelve years later and myprivacy and human freedom are still at the mercy of unimagineable
    intrusions, and violence against my physical beingness and work. Yet, these words of wisdom rise to serve me, to keep me sentient, to remind me that love is inscribed as a cellular memory in each and everyone of us, including the haters and misinformed. And it is this memory that we must lean on to carry us through to the light. When in evolution a human Guru takes birth, their paths are often riddled with sharpness, surrounded by the ignorance of the world, by biases, jealousies of those they serve, marginalization, ridicule and , in many cases, castration by violence and other vile acts against them.

    In the popular world culture we are continually striving to seek the wisdom of the ancients, but we have to be sufficiently reconciled to our self-worth to be prepared to seek Self-knowledge. We want to learn from the master, the Guru but, for many, because we are so spiritually starved from the loss of self-sovereignty, we continually find ways to undermine the elder, disavow the lessons thrown in our path, oftentimes because we forget that the greatest Guru is the inner Guru.

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    16 Min.
  • Episode 161 - A Practice to find Calm in Choas
    Jul 29 2024

    During this time of global chaos, dysfunction, political, emotinal and planetary struggles each one of us may be challenged to find a dynamic sense of balance. Maya points to the Vedic way of understanding to show how brilliant our human anatomy truly is: that we have hidden treasures that we need to mine in order to arouse stamina, and reach our core strengths. She recommends the simple practice of Nitya Karma ~ the attitude of self-surrendering. Maya explores the simple, brilliant process of this surrender~ Listen In

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    21 Min.
  • Episode 160 - Ahimsa, the Way to Peace
    Jul 14 2024

    We live in a country where there are more guns than citizens. 433 million registered guns in the USA. The culture of violence has become the norm.
    The false values of corruption, Competion, rivalry, unkindness, ignornace and inhumanity are on the rise. The only way we can turn this tide around is through shifting our individual sense of value and esteem to Ahimsa- the timeless value of being a human being. Choosing to live in Ahimsa means choosing non violence, non-injury, and doing the work to cultivating inner harmony. Exposing or revealing dark thoughts, dark words, violent actions we give ourselves permission to open to healing our inner angst when we use these dark moments to shift our thinking, belief system away from the Otherness the binary, the duality is us/them that creates so much pain. For thirty five years Maya Tiwari has been teaching the inviolate work of awareness through the way of Ahimsa. Maya has personally helped thousands to heal, and continue with her own courageous journey as she muses about "ahimsa" from a very personal point of view. Through the Peace Mandala World Tours she has guided more than one million people in the Vow of Ahimsa. We invite you to listen, learn, share and, most of all, join us in the way of Ahimsa.

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    21 Min.
  • Episode 159 - Reclaiming Nature's Medicine
    May 28 2024

    Mother Earth blesses us with a trillion natural medicines. in the ongoing reality of viruses, and contaminations, and environmental diseases, despair, and disasters it is high time we take back our human authority and integrity from the pharmaceutical agglomerates and their power driven race to profit from human disease and despair in the last century. This is our golden opportunity to take back our rightful reigns in reclaiming indigenous, native systems of medicine- so that, once again, we can heal, nourish ourselves, each other and Mother Nature.

    Background Music: Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto #2 in C Minor, Op. 18

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    22 Min.
  • Episode158 - Healing Ancestral Anger
    Apr 12 2024

    To parrot Frederich Nietzche, when we stare into the abyss for too long, the abyss stares back at us. I have found myself staring into the abyss, perambulating its event horizon until my feet fell out, and my mind became blurred. The abyss staring back at me. Anger is necessary, it is a helpful way to vent, shout and scream out our rgae, discomfort, and tear out the injustice of it all. But anger has two faces; positive and negative. When we hang onto it, righeously or otherwise, for too long, it boomerangs with the same force of its output. Be aware. Never, never allow anger to fester for too long. Allow it to change and morph by shedding light to it, "my persceptive may be askew"; "I am not able to see the whole truth of it", " I am tired and need to step back from it.".... many lanterns are there to help shed awareness. And this gives the neccessary repreive to dissolve the intensity and one pointed dagger of anger.

    As you may know from my work of Honoring Ancestors, evert angry, wrathful, violent thought and/or negative response we have ever issued can be traced to the cellular memories we carry within our genetic composition which had been sculpted by familial bloodlines. Ancestral memories mold our relationship to the world and can control our responses and behavior unless we bring awareness to them. The ancestors can be both the source of the hardship and the remedy. Each time we allow a challenge to push our buttons, we push deeper into the murk of ancestral chasm.

    With ancestral awareness, and contInually bringing light to our angst, rage, worry, discomfort, we tend to make a more humane choice when faced with challenges. In this way, we transcend the ancestral ground of negative angst. We we grow, we morph into our humanity, always an uncomftable terrain. But, in so doing, we can elevate both ourselves and the ancestral spirits. Peace Be Your Journey!

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    23 Min.