• 120 // 3 Exercises You Should NOT Be Doing to Get Rid of Your Postpartum Pooch [CORE KICKSTARTER SERIES]
    Sep 16 2024

    **Psst...I have a little secret to tell you! At the end of every episode starting tomorrow, I am dishing out our quick daily hit workout as part of our Core Kickstarter Series. You don't want to miss it!**

    If you’ve been struggling with that postpartum pooch, this episode is for you! Today, we’re talking about the 3 exercises you should NOT be doing if you're trying to flatten your stomach after pregnancy. Yep, there are some common mistakes that I see time and time again that could be making your pooch worse instead of better. Let's dive in!

    Keep Smiling,



    Learn How to Safely Start Getting Stronger in Less Than 2 Minutes a Day!

    Tuesday, September 17-Wednesday, September 18th

    1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11am MST / 10am PST

    -> https://livecorestrong.com/bootcamp/

    Join the Facebook Community:

    -> https://facebook.com/groups/livecorestrong

    Join the 70-Day Postpartum Ab Rehab Coaching program

    -> https://livecorestrong.com/pas

    Read the Blog: Live Core Strong

    -> https://livecorestrong.com

    Watch on YouTube

    -> https://youtube.com/livecorestrong

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    11 Min.
  • 119 // How to Get Moving Again as a C-Section Mom? Physical Therapist Breaks It Down
    Sep 12 2024

    Today, we’re diving into a topic I know many of you have been asking about—How to get moving again after having a C-section. I know that if you’re in that boat, you might be feeling a mix of emotions—fear, frustration, maybe a little bit of uncertainty. And trust me, I get it! C-sections are major surgeries, and recovery can feel like a long road. But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through it. Listen to today's episode to find out the #1 thing you should be doing to feel stronger and move better.

    Keep Smiling,



    Learn How to Safely Start Getting Stronger in Less Than 2 Minutes a Day!

    Tuesday, September 17-Wednesday, September 18th

    1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11am MST / 10am PST

    -> https://livecorestrong.com/bootcamp/

    Join the Facebook Community:

    -> https://facebook.com/groups/livecorestrong

    Join the 70-Day Postpartum Ab Rehab Coaching program

    -> https://livecorestrong.com/pas

    Read the Blog: Live Core Strong

    -> https://livecorestrong.com

    Watch on YouTube

    -> https://youtube.com/livecorestrong

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    13 Min.
  • 118 // Having Trouble Losing the Postpartum Pooch? Here Are 3 Reasons Why
    Sep 9 2024

    If you are struggling to lose the postpartum pooch, to get the baby weight off and to go down on the scale, I know why. More moms than ever are having the same struggle as you and it's time to make a change. I give you the exact reasons why you're not seeing the progress and what you can do today to fix it. You can do this, Mama! It's easier than you think.

    And don't forget...

    Sign up for the Bootcamp!

    Postpartum Core Kickstarter Bootcamp happening September 17th and 18th at 1pm EST


    Keep Smiling,


    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    13 Min.
  • 117 // Total Body Strength Just From Core Exercises? What New Moms Need To Know!
    Sep 5 2024

    Really? Can core exercises alone make your entire body strong? Well, let me just say, this is my wheelhouse. I LOVE talking about the core, and as a physical therapist, I can go on and on explaining the muscles of the body and how they work. I'm excited to answer this controversial question and bring some clarity to you as you look at your body in the mirror and reevaluate your fitness game. It's easier than you think — postpartum exercise that is. See why as you listen in to today's episode.

    And don't forget...

    Sign up for the Bootcamp!

    Postpartum Core Kickstarter Bootcamp happening September 17th and 18th at 1pm EST


    Keep Smiling,


    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    13 Min.
  • 116 // This Is Why Your Workouts Aren’t Sticking - And How To Fix It
    Sep 2 2024

    If I was to ask you what your biggest struggle is when it comes to postpartum fitness, I would guess it's consistency.... am I right?

    You are struggling to stick to your workout routines. Why is this the problem? Why can't you just find the time to get your workout done and call it a day?

    Mama, you are not alone. This is what I hear over and over again from new moms and seasoned moms, that they can't stick to a workout program or consistently work out because life gets in the way. Well, let's tackle this problem and go a little deeper in this episode so you can get to the root of the problem. It's time to make a change and be the fit mom that you are.

    And don't forget...

    Sign up for the Bootcamp!

    Postpartum Core Kickstarter Bootcamp happening September 17th and 18th at 1pm EST


    Keep Smiling,


    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    14 Min.
  • 115 // 3-Step Mindset Makeover That Made Postpartum Workouts Easier and More Enjoyable
    Aug 29 2024

    Isn't it crazy how after becoming a mom we start to think that we are no longer going to be fit again. We have spiraling thoughts enter our brain that we will never play sports, I won't ever get time to make it to the gym, I'm probably going to have this mommy pooch forever, and so on. Well, I'm here to stop you in your tracks, get those negative thoughts out of your mind and flip the scrip with some mindset shifts that are going to completely transform the way you think about postpartum fitness. Listen in! This is a good one.

    And don't forget...

    Sign up for the Bootcamp!

    Postpartum Core Kickstarter Bootcamp happening September 17th and 18th at 1pm EST


    Keep Smiling,


    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    13 Min.
  • 114 // Do You Have Diastasis Recti? How to Find Out
    Aug 26 2024

    Today, we're tackling a topic that’s been on a lot of your minds—Diastasis Recti. If that sounds a bit daunting, don’t worry! We’re here to break it down together. Diastasis Recti, or DR, is something many postpartum moms experience without even knowing it. In this episode, we’ll cover what DR is, how to check for it, and the beginning steps you can take to start healing. It's time to find out if you have Diastasis Recti and what your first steps are to fixing it!

    *Sign up for the 2-Day Bootcamp to Kickstart Your Postpartum Core Recovery:


    Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Ab Rehab: The Simple 10 Week Program to Safely Restore Your Core


    Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!


    Watch the YouTube Video for Diastasis Recti:


    Keep Smiling,



    10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:



    Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:


    Read The Blog:


    Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:


    Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab


    **Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.

    I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.

    Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.

    Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    15 Min.
  • 113 // 2 Rules to Follow to Easily Improve Your Healthy Habits as a Fit Mom
    Aug 22 2024
    Chapter 15 of Atomic Habits by James Clear Atomic Habits Series (The ODD episodes): Ep. 61, Ep. 63, Ep. 65, Ep. 67, Ep. 69, Ep. 71, Ep. 75, Ep. 77, Ep. 81, Ep. 83, Ep. 85, Ep. 87, Ep. 89, Ep. 91, Ep. 93, Ep. 95 Ep. 105, Ep. 107, Ep. 109, Ep. 111 Ever find yourself struggling to stick with a new habit, even though you were so determined to make it work? You tell yourself, "This is it, I'm done with excuses. This time, I'm making a lasting change." But then, within two weeks, you're back to your old ways. Trying to be a healthier mom can feel so challenging. Today, I'm going to share two simple rules that will make it easier for you to stick with the new habits you're aiming to build. Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe. https://livecorestrong.com/pas/ Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement! https://www.facebook.com/groups/livecorestrong/ Watch the Free Workshop: Postpartum Abs 101 https://livecorestrong.com/class Keep Smiling, Jena FREE DOWNLOADS TO GET YOU STARTED: 10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide: https://livecorestrong.com/join/ WATCH THE FREE ON-DEMAND VIDEO TRAINING Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day: https://livecorestrong.com/class Read The Blog: https://livecorestrong.com Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here: https://livecorestrong.com/coaching/ Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab https://postpartumabs.com/ **Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider. I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care. Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance. Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.
    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    17 Min.