• Trusting Yourself and Your Truth
    Feb 6 2022

    The world around us is so loud. All the self-help headlines tell us what not to do. While all the gurus demand their way is the right way. So how in the world are we supposed to actually know what’s right for ourselves and our business? Today I’m sharing my current journey to highly trusting the truth through our intentions.

    The world, all the noise, and all the external directives have crossed our paths in so many ways we’ve lost the ability to trust ourselves, our own voice, our intention, and our life’s energy.

    We must break this crippling cycle.

    Yes, resistance will always be present. It shows up as a harsh voice that says, ‘you can’t do this’ or ‘you are not to be trusted.’

    In the last year, I’ve been listening…deeply. In doing so, many things have been put into perspective, and I’ve found 3 trust practices I’m returning to time and time again.

    These are sourced by something deeper, it’s not just a mental drive. It’s not the usual be more, do more, go-go-go. This came from silence and stillness.

    We all have distractions at the click of our finger (or thumb, depending on how you roll) to keep us from the richer existence we’re craving. It’s my hope this episode highlights how you CAN trust your business to show you what lessons are next. And you CAN trust your life to get you up and out of old patterns.

    Featured in this Episode

    • The 6 P’s of Coaching
    • The Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur 
    • Get your copy of The Soul-Sourced™ Entrepreneur
    • If you liked this episode enough to give the show a five-star review, head over to iTunes and let me know.
    • Nowhere Left To Go, from the Right Outta Nowhere Album - Listen to the full song on Apple Music or YouTube Music
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    34 Min.
  • Planning Session for Your Year Ahead
    Dec 19 2021

    The external pressure to be the best possible version of yourself, to slay bad habits, to perform, implement and “crush it” (did I just say that?) can be overwhelming - especially as a new year rolls closer. The remedy to this never-ending spiral of despair is to slow down and get present. To help you do that, I’ll walk you through a mini coaching session today. And together, we’ll cover some key questions to help you gain clarity, direction, and self-acceptance.

    So while it’s December for the release of this episode, I want to give you permission to visit and revisit this process at any time. Pausing for reflections, future visioning, and setting intentions can happen whenever you feel called to it. 

    When you find yourself in this space, taking the critical time to reflect on what you did (and didn’t do) is essential before you start to plan or set intentions for the future. 

    In today’s episode, I walk you through the most potent questions from a popular tool here at Uplevel called The Plan. 

    And I’ll wrap up with a powerful calendaring expertise that will change the way you feel about your time and priorities. Enjoy.

    Featured in this Episode

    • Ditch the New Year’s Resolution and set your Word of the Year
    • Get your copy of The Soul-Sourced™ Entrepreneur
    • If you liked this episode enough to give the show a five-star review, head over to iTunes and let me know.
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    35 Min.
  • Money Traumas and Triggers
    Nov 28 2021

    For many Soul-Sourced entrepreneurs, an emotional history of negative messages around money and wealth still rears its ugly head. This comes with many unconscious patterns and ideas embedded in the relationship with money that largely go unaddressed. That’s why today, I want to gently explore key areas of money traumas and triggers to help overcome and heal. 

    You’re going to hear some of Sally’s story today. She owns a successful and profitable professional cleaning company… and just like many of us, she has some underlying money trauma. 

    As we examine the question she sent to me after a recent Uplevel Cafe group coaching call, we’re going to explore this tender money topic. Because let’s face it, there is real fear around handing money, standing in your power when charging for your services, and the fear of people hating you because you’re successful.

    Money and power are deeply related, and today you can begin to stand a little taller with a few small yet mighty shifts. I’m going to share some practices and beliefs that address this head-on to build long-lasting financial strength that starts from within.

    This is a crucial part of your growth and expansion. You’re worth it. Your services are worth it. You’ve got this! 

    Featured in this Episode

    • Get your copy of The Soul-Sourced™ Entrepreneur
    • Dan Kennedy’s Book - No BS Guide to Business Success
    • Check out the Vision Board Pro™ program
    • Learn more and join Uplevel Cafe
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    39 Min.
  • The Mindset (and Skillset) of Letting Go
    Nov 14 2021

    It can be hard to let go, am I right? From physical possessions to people to emotions, it's hard to walk away. Yet, as entrepreneurs, this is a crucial skill and mindset that allows us to evolve and adapt as the world around us swiftly moves ahead. So today, we'll explore how clinging onto these old ways is much more detrimental than embracing the freedom of letting go of what's holding you back - and all the baggage that clings to it too!

    As I’ve followed my passion since 1993, I’ve gone through several evolutions from musician to solopreneur to a full-time team of 9 employees, and I’ve learned three key lessons about letting go.

    The support, things, and people we need as we grow requires us to release what is no longer serving the direction we’re heading.

    To stay aligned with your intention and build a business full of vision and desires, you must be present. And to do that, you can’t hold onto items, beliefs, or old mental patterns. You gotta let that shit go.

    Endings are not failures. Explore these three points with me today and embrace you’re not a bad person or doing anything wrong when you let go and move forward. You’ll hear questions to ask yourself and ways to practice with small everyday things to build up that “Let it Go” confidence. You’ve got this!

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    33 Min.
  • On Building a Team in Your Business
    Oct 31 2021

    We’ve all heard the expression, “If you don’t have time, you need a team.” But here’s the thing.  Before you go out and hire someone (or several someones), let’s take a moment to get clear on some stuff...like your needs, like the position itself, like the phase of business you’re in. In other words, let’s talk about you. And while we’re at it...what exactly it means to build this thing we all call a “team.” 

    I've done my fair share of hiring - and yes, firing - on various levels and in many formats since I started this company called Uplevel. My team has been as large as nine full-time employees, and as small as two contractors. So I’ve been in the trenches, gaining some hard-won lessons. And today, you and I are going to have a conversation about your team. I’ll walk you through 5 key points about team-building so you can step fully into the role of owner...and think clearly about your business and hiring needs with more awareness.

    I’ll give you a hint. This is a lot about mindset, and really honoring your business. For instance, before you post an ad or hire that Virtual Assistant, have you taken the time to create a pre-hiring process for you to consider and think through - like, what role do you hire for first? This is the kind of thing that most fast-moving entrepreneurs forget to do. And they end up missing out on the best part about having a team: being able to build a bigger business.

    If you learn and do this well, it will pay off. So let’s set you up for success. You’ll be creating your own valuable economy now, and that comes with a whole new set of responsibilities and considerations. Best to know those now and prepare for them. 


    • 5 Energies of the Entrepreneur, episode 59 of the Soul-Sourced Business Podcast
    • Uplevel Cafe - Get the Pre-Hiring Clarity Process
    • The Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur by Christine Kane (if you already own the book, I'd love if you leave a review on Amazon)
    • Who by Geoff Smart
    • Death by Meeting by Patrick M. Lencioni
    • The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick M. Lencioni
    • Rise, from the A Thousand Girls Album - Listen to the full song on Apple Music or YouTube Music
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    42 Min.
  • Acting from Fear or Love
    Oct 17 2021

    Today’s episode is for anyone who has kept their business running through the pandemic, and is now making decisions about growth (and sanity). This one’s about your insides… and about stepping back into yourself as the business owner and asking questions. At its core, it’s about realizing your power and operating from that place. So if you’ve felt hesitant, or a little traumatized, or if you’re holding back at all…this one’s for you.

    I got a great question from one of our Uplevel Cafe members right before our group coaching call last week. It’s one of those questions I’m hearing across the board from entrepreneurs during these bizarre times we find ourselves. 

    Her specific question was about hiring a VA (Virtual Assistant) or a full-time employee. But underneath that is a question raising to the forefront for many - it’s a sneaky one that can catch you off guard. And it has everything to do with your mindset and your power.

    So in this short and sweet episode, I’ll walk you through the differences between contracting and expanding in business and how to step back into yourself, decide where your talent and your heart need to focus right now.

    Featured in this Episode

    • Uplevel Cafe is open! A business school for Soul-Sourced entrepreneurs like you.
    • If you liked this episode enough to give the show a five-star review, head over to iTunes and let me know.
    • Let’s Roll, from the This Time Last Year Album - Listen to the full song on Apple Music or YouTube Music
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    17 Min.
  • The 5 Energies of the Entrepreneur
    Sep 26 2021

    Let’s take a step back to the basics today. First, let’s be clear, this is not about activities, priorities, or to-do lists :) This is more about understanding yourself as a business owner and the activities you elect to participate in each day. You’re doing a lot, so this is about understanding the nature of them all, what toll they take on your brain and your energy, and then setting your week up in a way that honors your natural rhythms and how you do things.

    Last week, I hosted my quarterly virtual retreat with my M-Club Mastermind clients. We began with some powerful introduction activities to get into their business and take simple actions that have big impacts. And that got me thinking about the essential energies we Soul-Sourced business owners need to successfully run a business.

    These are the building blocks of a sustainable business and often the things we tend to put off that can really impact our bottom line. Treating your business as a business and embracing the owner mentality versus the employee mentality and how that changes everything. 

    So today, I’ll walk through each of these 5 energies and how you can work with them, and the possible support you can get to ensure that energy is operating at its highest efficiency. 

    These are key awarenesses about the unique business owner you are and understanding how to make the most of that. How you use yourself, your time, and your energy in a way that is based around your business. 

    These five principles might be all-new for some, and if not, it’s a nice review and reminder of who you are. Whether you’ve heard something like this before or not, incorporating these basics allows you to run a truly Soul-Sourced business. Enjoy.

    Featured in this Episode

    • Uplevel Cafe is open! A business school for Soul-Sourced entrepreneurs like you.
    • 6 P’s of Coaching - Episode 5
    • If you liked this episode enough to give the show a five-star review, head over to iTunes and let me know.
    • I Am The Moon, from the Wide Awake Album - Listen to the full song on Apple Music or YouTube Music
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    35 Min.
  • The C.R.A.P Cycle
    Sep 12 2021

    There's a cycle that many Soul-Sourced entrepreneurs find themselves in, not knowing how they got there, when it happened or what to do about it. It all starts when they hit the ground running without thinking ahead, without grounding themselves… and then things go off-kilter. This is no way to run a sustainable business. If you're tired of being dragged around in your business, listen in.

    Learning to run your business in an elegant, entrepreneurial way requires a paradigm shift from functioning in reactionary energy into a more proactive way of thinking and working.

    Today you'll hear about what I call the C.R.A.P cycle - both what it is, and why it's an ineffective way to operate for the long run. Because let's face it, running around knee-deep in shit, stress, and anxiety isn't going to help your Empire Mentality.

    You'll hear what started me thinking differently in my business. I'll give you 3 steps to do the same in yours if you didn't consider the model, the sustainability of the model, or the income streams. 

    This isn't an episode to beat yourself over. It's an invitation to run your business in a way that better serves and supports you. I'll share ways you can think more creatively about how you work with clients, plus an (optional) assignment to help retrain your brain so you can start running your business instead of letting it run you.

    Featured in this episode:

    • Uplevel Café is open! < Learn more
    • How To Be Real, from the Wide Awake Album - Listen to the full song on Apple Music or YouTube Music
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    27 Min.