• Heart-Centered Discipline
    Aug 14 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    Heart-centered discipline...What a fascinating idea to explore!

    The possibility that we can let our intuition and heart lead AND be highly disciplined at the same time.

    Is it possible?

    I sure think so and it's something I've been experimenting with over the years.

    I find heart-centered discipline to be a gentle AND brave practice for working with and dissolving the patterns of overwhelm, burnout, and dealing with the outside pressures and expectations we feel in life.

    And at the heart of heart-centered discipline (pun intended), is the essential yet often challenging practice of prioritizing all aspects of your well-being. In other words, prioritizing your whole, awesome SELF.


    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    32 Min.
  • 3 Things: Nurturing Creativity, a Life-Harmonizing Tool, Changing Your Inner Narrative
    Aug 2 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    Let's cultivate our intentional life together! This week we're exploring 3 things, with heaps of resources included.

    I share ways to nurture your creative spirit, including a few practices I'm loving right now.

    We check in on a 'harmony tool' that you can incorporate into your week.

    I walk you through a practice I use for shifting the inner narratives that no longer resonate or support you.

    For me, these types of inner narratives connect to self-judgment, self-criticism, anxiety and all those heavy emotions.

    I hope this practice - and the story I share along with it - offers you a new idea, a personal insight or even a gentle companion in those heavy moments of self-judgement.

    What will resonate with you most from this episode, I wonder?

    What new insights or awarenesses will arise for you?

    Oh the possibilities!

    Resources I mention in this episode:
    These are not affiliate links. Just sharing because I appreciate these resources and love sharing them with you.

    • Shungite cube: Modernom.co

    • Hooga Grounding Mat: www.hoogahealth.com

    • Josh Linkner’s Newsletter, a weekly boost of creativity: www.joshlinkner.com

    • Art Tool Kit, water color and sketching toolkits for your adventures: www.arttoolkit.com, IG @arttoolkit

    • The Green Sketching Handbook: relax, unwind and reconnect with nature, by Dr. Ali Foxon. www.alifoxon.com , IG @ali_foxon

    • Episode 1 of Intentional Life: Harmony between intentional action, emotional process, and presence.

    • Functional Medicine Doctor: Dr. Stephanie Tyson, IG @dr.peaceofmind

    • Intuitive Mentor: Dr. Lara Romero, www.drlararomero.com

    • Emotional Release Resource: www.intentiontapping.com (referenced with “I release all my emotional attachments to….”)

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    26 Min.
  • 3 things: Olympic Moments, Expressing Who You Are, Clearing the Clutter.
    Jul 24 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    In today's episode, I share with you three stories, loads of questions for your personal reflection, and a quote (plus reflection questions) I've been exploring about Calm & Chaos.

    Our first story takes us back to 2008 when I walked in the Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, as a Water Polo Athlete for Team USA.

    Among many special moments, I had a unique experience with Kobe Bryant that offers us a lesson about presence and the simplicity of feeling joy. You'll also hear an audacious dream I have for all Olympians and Paralympians (and all humans, to be honest).

    Our second story is from an experience I had with a client, about the ways in which we try to blend in, hide who we are...and those powerful moments when we decide to show up and whole-heartedly express ourselves.

    Our final story is about Dealing with Clutter and Mess: the inner clutter and outer mess. I take you into the messy moments and lessons that arise while I'm amidst packing for a move and getting ready for a second round of being location independent with my family of 5.

    Let me know which story is speaking to you the most at this time in your life. I'd love to know!

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    31 Min.
  • 3 Things: On-site childcare, Creating free time, an Olympic lesson on letting go.
    Jul 17 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    I want us to have a weekly space for pausing, reconnecting with our inner kompass, while expanding our ideas and possibilities.

    Wouldn't that be absolutely nourishing?

    So this week, I've changed the framework of my Intentional Life episodes to create this space for us and for cultivating our Intentional Life*.

    Each episode (including this one) will have 2-3 short stories, resources, quotes and of course, reflection questions and prompts for you. All for you cultivating your Intentional Life.

    This week's 3 Things:

    • On-site childcare - lessons from Patagonia

    • Getting organized to have more free time, spaciousness and peace of mind. (including travel days)

    • What I'd do after getting scored on as an Olympic Water Polo Goalkeeper - A lesson on letting go, tuning inward and being present.

    May you feel a renewed sense of calm, presence and possibility after this episode.


    *Remember, what an intentional life looks like will probably be different for each of us. You get to create and live a life you love! But there are similar threads we likely share, for instance sharing the intention to live authentically, or the intention to live in alignment with your values, and so on.

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    32 Min.
  • Revealing Your Listening Super Gifts
    Jul 10 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    You have a supergift within you. The supergift of listening.

    Within yourself...
    Listening with your intuition, heart, body and many senses.

    With others...
    Listening to their words, voice, underlying energy, yearning and pace.

    I think the practice of listening on multiple levels is so powerful, yet unfortunately hasn't been widely taught or valued in the current Western culture.

    Being present with another person is perhaps one of the most potent gifts we can give to ourselves and each other.

    Truly listening, without judgment, assumptions, expectations.

    I can write this simply enough, but I know it's not as easy to do in our daily life.

    Life can feel full. Distracting. Noisy. Fast.

    So, if it calls to you...

    May this episode offer you a gentle and open space to play with your listening supergifts.

    I wonder what you'll discover?

    I wonder what you'll hear?

    I'd love to know. :)

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    25 Min.
  • Trees and Fireballs: These Visuals Improved my Relationship with my Kids
    Jul 3 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    Think of a situation where you'd like to see more flow and joy? What does this situation currently look like as a visual?

    I use versions of questions like these in conversations with my kids to help us through challenging moments.

    Though I originally used this practice while coaching clients.

    It's a practice I love sharing with you, it's helped me along my journey of conscious parenting, in my work as a coach and group facilitator with The Kampfire, and within my personal growth journey.

    May these stories offer you spaciousness for new ideas and possibilities to arise for you!

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    20 Min.
  • Guide to Visualizing: For Tapping into your Intuition, Creativity and Imagination
    Jun 26 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    If you've had a conversation with me, I've probably asked you at some point "What does that look like as a visual?"

    The idea of using an image to describe a feeling is a powerful practice that I have seen completely shift a person's emotional state, heal through clarity and elevate self-agency.

    It's truly wild!

    Witnessing one's powerful shift in consciousness is one of the reasons I love incorporating visualizations, metaphors and imagery into every course, coaching session and group Kampfire session I host.

    I use a particular style of visualizing all the time in my daily life.

    If it speaks to you, you can use this creative imagery & metaphor practice in your daily life, too.

    In this episode, I share with you my personal experience with visualizing, the various types of visualizing I'm familiar with (including the style I call Imagery & Metaphors), some of the researched benefits, stories of visualizations and of course, practical ways you can bring visualizing into your daily life.

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

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    24 Min.
  • Emotional Alchemy: Transforming Anger into Healing Energy
    Jun 19 2024

    Let me know what you think!

    Using metaphors, let's move through the intricate process of processing anger within an intentional life.

    Drawing from personal anecdotes and therapeutic techniques, Jaime introduces listeners to the concept of emotional composting – transforming anger into fertile ground for growth and healing.

    Through vivid imagery and compassionate guidance, she encourages listeners to embrace their emotions with mindfulness and resilience, allowing anger to serve as a catalyst for inner transformation.

    This episode serves as a gentle yet empowering reminder of the profound impact of metaphorical exploration on emotional well-being, offering practical insights for navigating the complexities of emotional landscapes with grace and intention.

    Chapter Time Stamps:

    Chapter 00:01 - Introduction and setting the stage for exploring anger in an intentional life

    Chapter 01:07 - Reflecting on the connection between emotions and living intentionally

    Chapter 02:38 - Discussing the importance of flowing with emotions and being present

    Chapter 03:36 - Exploring the concept of emotions as energy and inviting listeners to consider metaphors for their emotions

    Chapter 04:19 - Sharing a personal story and introducing practices for working through emotions

    Chapter 14:14 - Inviting listeners to observe their own emotions and explore their shapes and symbolism

    Chapter 21:19 - Reflecting on the depth of emotional work and its impact on various aspects of life

    Chapter 22:49 - Expressing gratitude for engaging in personal growth and empowerment

    Chapter 23:20 - Conclusion and Ciao Ciao

    In gratitude,

    Jaime Komer, OLY

    Free Resources:

    • Experience a free Kampfire "Choosing Adventure"
    • Receive your free Travel Transition Kit

    Let's Connect!

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    Ps: You're awesome. And magical.

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    24 Min.