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Walden and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience Titelbild

Walden and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Von: Henry David Thoreau
Gesprochen von: Dan Strutzel
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Dive into the profound reflections of Henry David Thoreau with this compelling audiobook that brings together his two most influential works: "Walden" and "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience." These timeless classics offer deep insights into living a life of simplicity, self-sufficiency, and principled resistance to injustice.


In "Walden," Thoreau chronicles his two-year experiment in simple living, immersed in nature by Walden Pond. His reflections on solitude, self-reliance, and the beauty of the natural world provide a powerful critique of the materialism and distractions of modern society. Through eloquent prose and keen observations, Thoreau invites listeners to consider what truly matters in life and how to live with purpose and intention.

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

In "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience," Thoreau presents a powerful argument for individual resistance to unjust government actions. Drawing from his own experiences, including his night in jail for refusing to pay a poll tax that supported slavery and the Mexican-American War, Thoreau eloquently advocates for the moral duty to stand against injustice through nonviolent means. This seminal essay has inspired countless movements for social and political change around the world.

Henry David Thoreau's works continue to resonate with readers and listeners, offering timeless wisdom and a call to live authentically and courageously. This audiobook combines the reflective beauty of "Walden" with the passionate advocacy of "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience," providing a rich and thought-provoking listening experience.

Immerse yourself in Thoreau's transformative ideas and explore the depths of his philosophy with "Walden and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience." Listen, reflect, and be inspired to live a life of greater purpose and integrity.

Public Domain (P)2024 Nightingale Conant

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