W. Cleon Skousen

W. Cleon Skousen

W. Cleon Skousen was a world renowned teacher, lecturer and scholar for more than 60 years. Born in Raymond, Alberta, Canada on January 20, 1913, Dr. Skousen s growing up years were spent in Canada, Mexico, and California. He attended college at the San Bernardino Junior College where he was elected Student Body President. In 1934 he went to law school at George Washington University in Washington DC, where he earned his Juris Doctorate and was admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia. At this same time he was employed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Dr. Skousen served the FBI for 16 years (1935-1951), and worked closely with J. Edgar Hoover including a hot-spot stint as the director of communications. In 1960 he began a speaking tour around the country addressing the important political issues facing America at that time. During this period, he averaged 300 speeches a year. He was invited to write a new constitution for Canada and the proposed United States of Latin America, and he published a model constitution that could be adopted by nations everywhere. He served as Chief of Police in Salt Lake City for four years and ten years as a university professor. He was a prolific writer and produced three national best sellers, The Naked Communist, The Naked Capitalist, and The Five Thousand Year Leap. Eight of his books were used as college texts, and several were translated and published in other countries. His seminars on the Constitution have been taught to several million across the U.S., and among his students were dozens of U.S. Senators and Representatives, two Supreme Court justices, and several candidates for President. He believed knowledge and understanding were key to maintaining a free country, and spent his entire adult life opening up complex issues for deeper understanding by students and audiences all around the world. His many books and recordings addressed diverse subjects ranging from the raising of boys, to the principles of good government, to prophetic history. Dr. Skousen accumulated a wealth of knowledge and optimism information that he called the diamond dust of exciting history, natural law and eternal principles of hope. These principles he painstakingly distilled into the pages of over 40 books and pamphlets, to be shared in an exciting and inspirational manner. This is what made him so popular with audiences of millions around the world. Dr. Skousen and his wife, Jewel Pitcher of San Bernardino, California, are the parents of eight children, 50 grandchildren, and more than 120 great-grandchildren. W. Cleon Skousen is a self-published author that has done very well in the United States with three best sellers. The Five Thousand Year leap was the number one selling book on Amazon in March 2010. We are looking for publishers in international markets so if you can help or know of somebody that can please contact us at skousenebooks@gmail.com.
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