Rosemary Hawkins

My first memory of making up stories is when I was very young. I would imagine a story in my mind, not writing it down, but drawing pictures as the story grew in my mind. My mother was good at art and sometimes I tried to copy her lovely pictures, in my childish way. Later,in the early days of school I would sometimes be asked to tell the class a story, which somehow I did, making it up as I went along - usually witches and wizards, fairies, ballerinas etc. They were large classes then. They seemed to enjoy it, at least I don't think anyone dozed off! Artwork seemed to take over as my favourite pastime for a long while, though I always enjoyed a 'good read'. But in recent years, now I have more time to myself and still do a lot of art-work, also rhymes and poems, I have found I enjoy writing children's stories with pictures.
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