Nicholas A. Fuchs

Nicholas A. Fuchs

Nicholas A. Fuchs is a writer and author of the new novel No Shelter, the first book in a series of the exciting and almost unbelievable military drama about one man responsible for the fall of the Berlin Wall. Semi-Retired, he is a proud Army Veteran and former Medical and Directing Manager for patients affected by Alzheimer's. An autodidact, he has overcome learning disabilities, a diagnosis on the Autism Spectrum, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He spent years in Europe in the military and has a special connection to the people he met and places he viewed from his unique perspective. Never one to be given or believe in limits; he is always looking for the next challenge. With a boundless imagination, he uses historical facts, timelines, and personal experiences to tell his tales. He and his wife Talena are now retired from the Government and its limitations. With a drive and interest in activism, they believe in fighting for those who can not defend themselves. This is a common theme and motivation for his writing. Nicholas and his family live happily in New York.
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