Muz Murray

Muz Murray

I started out as a surrealist painter, very much influenced by Salvador Dali, with whom I later became acquainted, when living close to him in Spain. I also stretched my talents as a writer, actor and designer for theatre and film. During seven years of vagabondage around the word. I dangerously hitch-hiked down the length of Africa, spent 3 years as a wandering monk in India; was founder-editor of Gandalf’s Garden magazine and Community and became co-founder of The Open Centre for spiritualised psychotherapy in London. For the last 50 years I have quietly travelled the world as a spiritual mentor and Mantra Master, teaching Mantra and Advaita Vedanta workshops in many countries. Because of my wild adventures down Africa and all over India, the Mind-Body-Spirit magazines call me “The Indiana Jones of Yoga”; although nowadays I am more often mistaken for Gandalf. I have authored four books on spiritual themes, as well as an esoteric faerytale fantasy called “Ifflepinn Island”; written and recorded script for BBC Radio 4, Edited two magazines and have been interviewed several times on BBC, Dutch and Italian TV and California Radio. My latest book is “You Are the Light – Secrets of the Sages Made Simple” is now available on Amazon
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