Kaye D. Schmitz

Kaye D. Schmitz

I’ve been writing all of my life and was first published at the age of ten. My poem, “The Garden,” was a flower-filled fantasy that so surprised my parents and teacher, they all insisted I send it to the local newspaper editor. I lived in a very small town—without a lot of local news—so my poem got published! I continued writing and had a number of poems and short stories published in my high school newspaper, as well. Whenever the editor had an empty spot, in fact, he would contact me and I would dash off a poem or short story to fill the space. My writing time dwindled during college and marriage and children and careers—other than the obligatory term papers, then corporate proposals and later, grant requests—but I still found time to write poems from my heart. Along with constant fiction reading, singing with a group, Christmas baking and aerobic dancing, I also got a kick out of occasionally visiting psychics with my friends on Saturday afternoons. Every single psychic I ever saw looked at my palm and said, “Oh…you’re a writer.” While I had always believed it, I finally began to act on it and when, years later, I visited an ancient cemetery in the lowlands of Georgia, one of the spirits there reached out to me and my first novel, THE CONSORT CONSPIRACY, A Covington Family Mystery, was born. I now live in St. Augustine, Florida, and I’m still ten-years-old inside…until I start to write, that is. At that point, tales of murder and mystery take over my being and demand to be told . I love—in addition to my darling husband, my two awesome grown children and my four perfect grandchildren—Christmas, cartoons, circuses, carousels, and chocolate.
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