Jason McLeod

Jason McLeod

Jason McLeod is a paranormal investigator, who has spent the last 28 years researching and writing about the activity that plagues people as well as helping individual families with the spirits who linger in their lives. His emphasis is not on ‘ghost hunting,’ but rather ‘ghost helping--assisting discarnate, earth-bound human spirits come to terms with their plight and to help them cross-over correctly—thereby bringing resolution to the haunting phenomena altogether, rather than sensationalizing it. His training and experience began by following in the footsteps of his close, personal friends and mentors—the late Ed Warren and his wife Lorraine, the original ghost busters who started the whole ghost hunting craze, bestselling authors, and movie consultants.
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    • A Connecticut Family's Nightmare (Dark Siege Series, Book 1)
    • Von: Jason McLeod
    • Gesprochen von: Jason McLeod
    • Serie: Dark Siege, Titel 1
    • Spieldauer: 14 Std. und 30 Min.
    • Erscheinungsdatum: 05.02.2024
    • Sprache: Englisch
    • Noch nicht bewertet

    Regulärer Preis: 25,95 € oder -1 Guthaben

    Verkaufspreis: 25,95 € oder -1 Guthaben

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