The Gospel for Life Titelbild

The Gospel for Life

Von: Russell Herman Jonathan van Hoogen Ryan Hemphill Vinnie Hanke
  • Inhaltsangabe

  • Four Treasure Valley pastors – all committed to showing that the Gospel is not just for the religious part of your life. Rather, it is for all of life. You never graduate from the Gospel. New episodes every weekday at 8 am MST.

    © 2024 Inspirational Family Radio Inc.
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  • 10 Things You Should Know about the Final Judgment Pt.3
    Jul 5 2024

    God announces that there is a final judgment because he loves us.

    He warns us about the cataclysm that is coming so that we will turn to him and live. The Lord declares in Ezekiel 18:31–32, “Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.” Satan wants to cast a spell over us so that we believe that there will not be a judgment. He wants us to be like the sons-in-law of Lot when the latter told them about the impending destruction of Sodom. They dismissed his words as humorous, believing that Lot was jesting (Gen. 18:14). The Lord urgently warns us: the final judgment is real. It is not a myth. Warning about an impending disaster is the voice of love.

    The final judgment isn’t only addressed to unbelievers.

    The Lord also warns believers about the judgment to come (2 Thess. 1:5–10; 1 Pet. 4:1–6; Rev. 14:9–12). The prospect of final judgment motivates believers to persevere when we are persecuted and face troubles because we are Christians. The intention isn’t to paralyze believers with fear so that we are filled with terror. Instead, suffering believers are reminded of the fate of unbelievers, and thus they are encouraged to continue in the faith. We are tempted to think when we suffer that it isn’t worth it to follow Jesus if we are suffering. We need to know that it matters whether or not we continue to follow Jesus. Believers are reminded that persevering in faith matters, that those who don’t align with Jesus will face the wrath of God.

    Because of his holiness, He cannot tolerate sin.


    For more information about this group, please visit their website at
    Every weekday at 8:00am you can listen to The Gospel for Life on 94.1 The Voice in the Treasure Valley, Idaho, USA.

    If you have a question, comment, or even a topic suggestion for the Pastors, you can email them. There is only one rule: Be Kind!

    Phone: (208) 991-3526
    Podcast website:

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    15 Min.
  • 10 Things You Should Know about the Final Judgment Pt 2
    Jul 4 2024

    Happy Independence Day for those in The United States

    10 Things You Should Know about the Final Judgment

    The final judgment teaches us that evil won’t triumph.

    When we see the horrendous evils perpetrated in our world, we may question if those who pursue evil will finally win. Will the wicked perpetually rage and the world continue to be a place of sorrow and war? Scripture proclaims that hose who murder, rape, and terrorize others and who never turn away from evil will not get away with their wickedness forever. Goodness will finally win; justice is the last word.

    The gospel doesn’t make any sense if there isn’t a final judgment.

    As Christians, we proclaim that Jesus saves, that when we trust in him we will be spared from the wrath to come. But the message of salvation in Jesus is pointless if there is no judgment. Many unbelievers today are sure of one thing: at death all will be well. Everyone after death will be fine. Nothing bad will happen to any of us. But if they are right, the call to believe in Jesus for salvation is robbed of significance. We may proclaim “Jesus saves,” but what does he save us from if there is no final reckoning? One reason the gospel falls on deaf ears is because unbelievers are convinced that their response to the gospel doesn’t make any difference.

    For more information about this group, please visit their website at
    Every weekday at 8:00am you can listen to The Gospel for Life on 94.1 The Voice in the Treasure Valley, Idaho, USA.

    If you have a question, comment, or even a topic suggestion for the Pastors, you can email them. There is only one rule: Be Kind!

    Phone: (208) 991-3526
    Podcast website:

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    15 Min.
  • 10 Things You Should Know about the Final Judgment pt.1
    Jul 3 2024

    10 Things You Should Know about the Final Judgment
    (Thomas Schreiner offers a comprehensive analysis of eternal destruction, examining themes of sin, death, and redemption repeated throughout the New Testament and other passages of Scripture. The Justice and Goodness of God)

    A Central Message

    The final judgment may seem to be bad news or even cruel, but when we think about it more deeply we discover it is central to the message we preach, that the gospel shines with clarity in light of the final judgment. Ten truths about the final judgment—ten reasons why it is so important—are sketched here.

    1. The final judgment is good news.

    Why? Because life doesn’t make sense if there is no judgment, if there are no standards, if anything goes, if there is no accountability for what we do. Imagine a world where there are no consequences for what we do. It would be a world like The Lord of the Flies, where kids run wild and oppress and mistreat those who are weak. A world without judgment is a world of anarchy, a world in which those who terrorize others sin with impunity.

    2. The final judgment reminds us that God is good, that he is holy, and that he can’t tolerate evil.

    Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 1:5–10 that God judges the world because he is just. Some people think that the final judgment calls into question God’s goodness, but it is just the opposite. The final judgment verifies that God is just and righteous, that he is the Holy One of Israel. Because of his holiness, he cannot tolerate sin.

    For more information about this group, please visit their website at
    Every weekday at 8:00am you can listen to The Gospel for Life on 94.1 The Voice in the Treasure Valley, Idaho, USA.

    If you have a question, comment, or even a topic suggestion for the Pastors, you can email them. There is only one rule: Be Kind!

    Phone: (208) 991-3526
    Podcast website:

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    15 Min.

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