• Caleb’s Corner Question: If You Could Have a Meal with Any Biblical Character…
    Sep 16 2024

    Caleb’s Corner Question: If You Could Have a Meal with Any Biblical Character…

    If you could have dinner with any Biblical character, which would you choose? What would you talk about? Where would your choice take you? Would you be concerned what others thought of you?

    A relationship with Jesus comes from an understanding of who He is. There is great peace and comfort having a closeness with Jesus.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    36 Min.
  • Revenge or Mercy?
    Sep 9 2024

    Do people have the ability to change? When someone does something wrong to you, do you get even? What about forgiving that person and move on with your life? Do things in your past haunt you? Jesus can cleanse you from all kinds of selfishness.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    37 Min.
  • Caleb’s Corner Question: If you could ask God a Question and Receive an Immediate Answer…
    Aug 27 2024

    Mankind has regularly expressed a desire to know why we are here. Others want to know how and when they will die. To know what God wants us to do, perhaps revelation can be found on the pages of the New Testament.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    12 Min.
  • Back to School Blessings
    Aug 19 2024

    Many are heading back to school this time of year. Anxiety, stress and peer pressure can wreak havoc on your peace of mind. We hope you find great comfort and peace of mind, that though you may feel overwhelmed at times, God is always there to strengthen you. School is also a fantastic way to spread kindness and good deeds to your fellow class mates.

    Best of luck, and may God bless you in your schooling.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    11 Min.
  • Discipline, Dedication, and Excellence - Tim and Leah King
    Aug 6 2024

    Tim King is minister at White Park Church of Christ in Anahuac, TX. He and his wife Leah are our special guests during their visit to Milwaukee during our 2024 Youth for God lectures. He is a participant of the FC Dry Creek Camp. He is a baseball coach and a follower of Christ. We were delighted to welcome Tim and Leah in the studio for a quick chat.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    56 Min.
  • Coffee Talk - Lessons from Romans and Minecraft
    Jul 23 2024

    The letter to the Roman church gives us insight into the complex dynamics taking place in the first century as Greek and Jews embraced the new covenant of God’s family through Jesus. Paul makes an appeal to the reader to consider logic, understanding of your fellow man, and gives some principles about how to interact with people who are different to them.

    For us, the mindset of love and patience and understanding help tune our hearts to encouraging others. If we are ever haughty or think ourselves better than others, we have lost the mindset of love for our fellow man. These advanced concepts are for those dedicated to becoming the best disciple and example of love we can be to one another.

    Minecraft is a great game with potential for many variations of play styles and adventures. Justin describes a recent interaction with many parallels to Biblical principles.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    24 Min.
  • Coffee Talk - Sabers and Talking Donkeys
    Jul 17 2024

    There perhaps is nothing more intimidating than someone with a drawn weapon. The sword is spoken of in the Bible as being used throughout scripture, most of the time for its intended purpose.

    The New Testament speaks of the sword of truth, which is the Word of God, able to pierce between marrow and bone, and the heart and soul. The message of the New Testament is love. Love for God, and love for your fellow man.

    Just as the practice of swordsmanship takes years to master, the need to understand the scripture and wield it for good takes not only as much practice but intention.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    38 Min.
  • Coffee Talk - Stanley Cups and Driving Tickets
    Jul 1 2024

    Trends and fashions go in and out of style pretty frequently in our lives. Where are all your Tervis Tumblers these days? Why you coming at me bro? There’s nothing wrong with getting the newest phone or the trendiest item. What is so strong about the appeal of these items? Is it because everyone else is doing it, and you don’t want to be left out?

    It’s never fun to get a speeding ticket, or have a negative encounter with an authoritative figure. How do you react to the consequences of your actions? Does your reaction follow after the teachings of Christ?

    We would love to hear from you!
    Email: the.emile.pod@gmail.com
    Instagram: @extramilepodcast

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    21 Min.