
  • Combatting Popular Excuses For Poor Financial Decision-Making
    Jul 18 2024
    Very often, we see people who know that the financial decisions that they’re making aren’t the best decisions, but they try to create excuses or explanations for why they’re doing what they’re doing. Let’s talk about why these excuses usually don’t hold water... Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. The topics and information discussed during this podcast are not intended to provide tax or legal advice. Investments involve risk, and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed on this podcast. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Insurance products and services are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed insurance agents. Marc: This week on the podcast, we're going to talk about combating popular excuses for poor financial decision-making. Very often we see people who know that they've made some poor financial decisions and they try to explain it away or create excuses as to why they've done that. So we're going to talk about that this week from things the guys have seen and maybe that'll shed some light on your situation right here on Retirement Planning Redefined. Announcer: The rules of retirement have changed. No longer can most of us rely on Social Security or a single pension to fund our futures. We're living longer and retirement doesn't just last a handful of years anymore. Instead, you might stay retired for 20 or 30 years and maybe even more. We need to look at retirement through a new lens with fresh eyes, with a new approach and plan of attack. Here to answer the call are financial advisors John Teixeira and Nick McDevitt of PFG Private Wealth Management, serving you throughout the Tampa Bay area. This podcast is Retirement Planning Redefined, and it starts right now. Marc: Hey, everybody, welcome into the podcast with John and Nick from PFG Private Wealth here with me to talk investing, finance, retirement, and hopefully avoiding some of these poor financial decisions that everybody gets into. It doesn't make you a bad person, doesn't mean you did anything wrong. But if we can learn from the mistakes of others, I forget who said that, was it, Einstein, probably a little bit better off than making some of these mistakes ourselves. And of course, the guys helping many families retire, so they have seen a lot of this stuff and a great resource for you to tap into. So if you've got some questions, make sure you reach out to them at That's What's going on, John? How are you doing this week? John Teixeira: Hey, I'm doing all right. I'm doing all right, doing real well. So I think you mentioned the end of the last podcast with new puppy. I don't think we talked beginning, but yeah, new puppy is doing well. My girls are attaching to it quite a bit. It's funny, because if my wife and I go to feed it, they're like, "No, no, no, no, I'll feed it. I don't want you bonding with it." Marc: Oh, nice. Okay. John Teixeira: They want to make sure the dog's their friend. Marc: Their dog. John Teixeira: They're pretty excited. It's really cute. Marc: Nice. Very cool. Very good. Well, Nick, my friend, how are you doing? Nick McDevitt: Pretty good. Pretty good. Speaking of dogs, I was with family this past weekend and my sister-in-law reminded me that I volunteered to take care of one of their dogs when they went out of town soon, and I had totally forgotten. So be on doggy duty for about 10 days, which I'm actually looking forward to, so it'll be fun. Marc: That's cool. Yeah, very good. Good stuff. Your sister live far away, or do you have to? Nick McDevitt: It's brother and sister-in-law. They're down in Sarasota, so yeah, not too far. The last time I took care of this dog though, it was pretty funny because he's not used to being in a city setting, so he's just used to being in his backyard. There's so many other dogs around, all the scents. He wouldn't pee for almost two days. Marc: You're driving him nuts, huh? Nick McDevitt: Yeah. Yeah. So I was taking him out every two hours to try to get him to finally go, so I'm hoping this time it's a little bit smoother. Marc: There you go. Very good. Little dog stories here to kick things off. Always good. So man's best friend. Well, let's get into some conversations here, guys, about these poor decisions. Hopefully you won't make any poor decisions when it comes to the dogs, but let's talk about some of these from a financial standpoint, guys. I got ...
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    17 Min.
  • Take the Fork: Yogi’s Wisdom on Making Financial Choices
    Jul 11 2024
    In this episode, we’re diving into some famous words by the one and only Yogi Berra. You might know him for his legendary baseball career, but Yogi was also a goldmine of wisdom. We'll spin some of his classic quotes into financial advice. It's all about viewing things through the right lens—so let's see what financial insights we can uncover from Yogi’s memorable sayings! Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: Speaker 1: PFG, Private Wealth Management LLC is an SEC registered investment advisor. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. The topics and information discussed during this podcast are not intended to provide tax or legal advice. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial advisor and or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed on this podcast. Past performance is not indicative of future performance insurance. Products and services are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed insurance agents. Marc Killian: In this episode, we're going to dive into some famous words from Yogi Berra. We're right in the heart of baseball season, so it seems fitting to do a little classic wisdom from Yogi and some financial lessons here with the guys. This is Retirement Planning Redefined with John and Nick. Speaker 3: The rules of retirement have changed. No longer can most of us rely on social security or a single pension to fund our futures. We're living longer and retirement doesn't just last a handful of years anymore. Instead, you might stay retired for 20 or 30 years and maybe even more. We need to look at retirement through a new lens with fresh eyes, with a new approach and plan of attack. Here to answer the call are financial advisors John Teixeira and Nick McDevitt of PFG, Private Wealth Management, serving you throughout the Tampa Bay area. This podcast is Retirement Planning Redefined, and it starts right now. Marc Killian: Hey, everybody, welcome into the podcast. Thanks for tuning in to the podcast here with John and Nick and myself. And I don't know why I said podcast twice, but I did. Thanks for hanging out with us and we're going to talk about Yogi Berra. We're going to take the fork in the proverbial road, and have a conversation with the guys and just get some financial lessons from some classic Yogi-isms. This guy had some great, great, great quotes through the years. Fantastic baseball player, obviously a legend, but his quotes were pretty good as well. So we're going to talk about that this week here on the podcast. What's going on, Nick? How are you, my friend? Nick McDevitt: Doing pretty good. Getting over a little bit of a cold, but finally turned the corner. Marc Killian: Yeah. Okay. I know you're a football fan. Are you a baseball fan as well? Nick McDevitt: I grew up a big baseball fan. My grandfather... My mom's side of the family is Cuban, so baseball's a huge deal. And I grew up a Mets fan, which is torture, but really kind of phased out of baseball probably over the last maybe seven, eight years, harder to kind of hold the interest. Marc Killian: Gotcha, okay. All right. Nick McDevitt: Yeah, but did grow up really enjoying baseball. Marc Killian: Nice, nice. Well, John, how are you doing, my friend? And what about you? Did you enjoy your baseball growing up or are you a fan? John Teixeira: More of a basketball and football fan, but no. Growing up in Boston, you kind of automatically get sucked into the Red Sox aura. Growing up, I could understand Nick's pain, but then they kind of pulled through as in my college years. But I will say I'm excited. The Celtics is just won the NBA Championship, so- Marc Killian: This is true. Again, yeah. John Teixeira: That's a good thing I'm happy about so. Marc Killian: Yeah, and they've got quite the team, so there's a good chance you might see them again next year in the run for it as well. John Teixeira: Yeah, yeah, let's hope so. Let's hope so. Marc Killian: They're stacked pretty well. John Teixeira: Marc, real quick question as we talk about football is what do you think of Drake Maye? He was there in North Carolina. Marc Killian: Yeah, it was interesting. Curious to see how he's going to do. I don't know. I mean, he played pretty well here, so we'll see how it translates. When they go to the NFL, you never know, right? It's a crapshoot. Didn't work out so well for Trubisky when he went to Chicago. John Teixeira: No, it didn't. No, it didn't. Marc Killian: So we'll see how it goes for Drake, but let's get into some baseball here. We'll talk about some Yogi Berra Again, this guy had some classic lines here, so this should be a little fun. And really they're ...
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    17 Min.
  • Retirement Questions The Baby Boomer Generation Is Asking
    Apr 11 2024
    Each generation is currently navigating a unique part of the retirement planning experience. With many baby boomers preparing for the transition into retirement, we're going to focus on some of the top questions this age group is asking in today's episode. Stay tuned to see what you can learn from John and Nick this week on Retirement Planning Redefined! Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. The topics and information discussed during this podcast are not intended to provide tax or legal advice. Investments involve risk, and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed on this podcast. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Insurance products and services are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed insurance agents. Marc: Every generation is currently navigating a unique part of retirement planning experience. No matter what generation you're in, there's going to be different questions that you might want to tackle. So on this week's episode, we're going to talk about that from the baby boomer standpoint, here on Retirement Planning Redefined. Welcome to another edition of the podcast, folks. Retirement questions that every generation should be asking themselves is the docket this week, and we're going to touch on the baby boomers. We may come back around to some of the other generations right now, but I think for most of our listening demographic, the boomers are certainly going to be ones that want to pay attention. It's interesting, guys, the boomer term has become polarized. It used to be one thing to say just baby boomers or whatever, but now they get a little offended, I think, with the whole boomer thing. It hasn't gone very well on social media the last couple of years, but either way, we're going to talk about that demographic from 1946 to 1964. It's so funny with these age things, they keep changing it. I was looking at the one for generation X, which is what I am, and now they're saying late '70s when it used to be like '83 or something. So I think they just changed these numbers based on what they want to have happen for conversation pieces. But anyway, we're going to get into that with John and Nick this week. What's going on, John? How you doing, buddy? John: Doing all right. Actually getting ready for, Nick and I are bringing some Easter baskets to the local children's hospital here. We're going to be handing them out this coming up Friday. Marc: Oh, very cool. John: We're excited for that. Marc: Yeah, very cool. That's nice, you guys are always doing some cool charity things going from around the area, so very, very cool. What's happening, Nick? How are you doing, buddy? Nick: Good. Staying busy, along the lines of what John was talking about, the group that we're involved in, we're working on a big derby party here in St. Pete, so big event. So that's fun to works the other side of the brain, and then we're just staying busy with... We've got one thing that's been interesting, John and I were talking about it earlier, this area is growing pretty rapidly, and it feels like we've had more clients than ever that are looking to move out of the area and slow down a little bit. So, it's starting to become a little bit of a trend recently, so. Marc: To move away from Tampa? Nick: Yeah, yeah. Move away from Tampa or further out to more of the outskirts of the area, but we've had some clients recently like Panhandle, Georgia, North Carolina. The growth here has just been pretty overwhelming. Marc: Monstrous, yeah. Nick: Yeah, and- Marc: There's a lot of states that are that way, right? I mean, there's a number of states where I think people, everyone's flocking from places like New York and California, and it's just like, okay, stop. We can't handle it. Nick: Yeah, it's interesting because this area, the east coast of Florida has always been like the Atlantic coast south, and then the west coast of Florida where we are has always been a little bit more low-key. Still a decent size, but a little bit more low-key, and it has that feeling like developers and everybody is trying to make it more similar to the East Coast. I think that's kind of pushing some people out, but even because obviously Texas has been a place that's been a popular area for people to move to for some of the similar reasons, whether it's taxes or just how the government runs or whatever their reasoning is. But one of the biggest differences, just ...
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    21 Min.
  • Don't Make These Income Planning Mistakes
    Apr 4 2024
    Are you planning for your retirement with the confidence that you're making all the right moves? In today's episode, we'll unveil the crucial income planning mistakes that could jeopardize your retirement and show you how to craft a financial plan that's built to last decades, not just years. Tune in to ensure your retirement strategy is foolproof against common pitfalls and ready to secure your financial future. Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. All statements and opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable although it should not be relied upon as such. Any statements or opinions are subject to change without notice. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investment involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Information expressed does not take into account your specific situation or objectives and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for any individual. Listeners are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax, legal, or investment adviser to determine whether any information presented may be suitable for their specific situation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Transcript of Today's Show: For a full transcript of today's show, visit the blog related to this episode at ----more---- Marc: Are you planning for your retirement with the confidence that you're making all the right moves? Well, on today's episode, we'll unveil the crucial income planning mistakes that could jeopardize your retirement and show how to craft the financial plan that's built to last decades, not just years. Tune in to Retirement Planning Redefined. All that, coming up next. Hey everybody, welcome into the podcast, John and Nick joining me once again to talk investing, finance, and retirement here on Retirement Planning Redefined with the guys from PFG Private Wealth. John and Nick are financial advisors helping folks get to and through retirement. You can find them online, if you've got some questions, need some help, at, And we're going to talk about some income planning mistakes this week here on the podcast. What's going on, gents? How you doing, Nick? What's going on, buddy? Nick: Good, good. Just staying busy. Just crazy that we're almost April. I guess we're approaching April at this point. Just had some friends in town, so that's always a little bit chaotic. But no, everything's good. No complaints. Marc: John, how's it going in the crazy household that is yours my friend? You doing all right? John: It is crazy. I don't want to get into it. But yes, it is a madhouse. I'll leave it at that. But, yes. Marc: But having little ones always is, but that's good. John: Yeah, you know well. Marc: Well, and it's April, right? It's a busy time of year, too, a lot of things happening with taxes and financial strategies and everything. Anyway, it's spring, all that good stuff. So, let's talk about some income planning mistakes. Let's kick it off with something simple. I teed it up a little bit in the intro there about being retired for decades, not just years. I know that we all fundamentally think that, John. We're like, "Yeah, of course, we're going to be retired for decades." But somehow or another it disassociates, I think, as we're getting thirties, forties, maybe even in our early fifties. We don't really put as much thought to it, I guess, as we should. For me, for example, all the men in my family die young. I've already had heart surgery at a young age, so I could easily jump onto that path of, well, I'm not going to live that long, so whatever. I am not going to really worry about planning for decades. But that's just a bad move, especially if you've got people that you love, loved ones that you may want to make sure they're taken care of too. So, ways to think about it, right? John: Yeah, the worst thing you could do is plan to retire for a few years, and next thing you know, run out of money, you don't know what's happening anymore. But no, we get this quite a bit where I can remember clearly Nick and I were doing a plan and the money around the eighties, it was looking a little tight. The person was pretty excited. We were like, "We need to make some adjustments to make sure it lasts age 100." He is like, "No, I'm good." He's like, "I'm not lasting until 80 or 83." And we were like, "Okay, well, we'll still do our due diligence to make sure your money lasts for a while," but [inaudible 00:02:55] Marc: What if you're wrong? That's the thing. And did this person have a spouse? Were they married...
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    16 Min.
  • Money Mistakes You'll Regret and How to Avoid Them
    Jan 25 2024
    “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt… Ever wish you could foresee financial missteps before they happen? On today’s episode explore some real-life stories of regret and arm yourself with the essential dos and don'ts to ensure your money works for you, not against you. Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. All statements and opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable although it should not be relied upon as such. Any statements or opinions are subject to change without notice. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investment involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Information expressed does not take into account your specific situation or objectives and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for any individual. Listeners are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax, legal, or investment adviser to determine whether any information presented may be suitable for their specific situation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Transcript of Today's Show: For a full transcript of today's show, visit the blog related to this episode at ----more---- Marc Killian: "Learn from the mistakes of others, because you can't live long enough to make them all yourself." Eleanor Roosevelt said that, and we all certainly wish that we could foresee financial missteps before they happen, so on today's episode, John and Nick are going to share some stories with us and talk with us about money mistakes we might regret and how to avoid them here on the podcast. This is Retirement Planning Redefined. Hey, everybody, welcome into the show this week, as John and Nick and myself are going to talk about those money mistakes and hopefully ways to avoid those. So we're going to get into a few of them this week. And as always, if you've got some questions, you need some help, reach out to the guys before you take any action on something you hear on our show or any others as it relates to your situation specifically. We all have these universal things that apply to us, but individually in the nitty-gritty is where we need the qualified professionals to really help us dissect and do the right things for our retirement. And John and Nick can be found at That's Get yourself onto the calendar and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast. John, what's going on, buddy? How you doing? John: I'm doing pretty good. How are you? Marc Killian: Hanging in there. Doing pretty well. Looking forward to talking to you guys today about these money mistakes and seeing what we can do about them. Nick, my friend, what's going on on your end of the world? You doing all right? Nick: Yes, sir. Staying busy. Marc Killian: Yeah? Just keeping busy. Well, that's good. It's that time of year. We are into, I don't know, we're right around November about the time we're doing this, so we'll see. The year's winding down quick and so it's always something coming fast and furious. So let's talk about a few of these things so hopefully we can avoid them, especially in the fourth quarter. Sometimes we start to maybe spend a little bit more money than we realize. So let's get into today's conversation a little bit, guys. And I want to talk about IRA withdraws, whether it's a loan from I guess a 401K or I know that you can't do it from different kinds of accounts, or just taking them out prematurely. Why is this a money mistake that people might regret? Because I've talked to a lot of advisors and it seems like everybody universally says this is the last place to access money early if you need it. If you needed something for an emergency or something's happened, most people seem to advise against pulling money out of these types of accounts early. Why is that? Whoever wants to tackle it. John: Yeah. I'll take that one. So yeah, the main reason why you want to avoid this is it can be riddled with fees and there's a 10% penalty. If you're under 59 and a half, you don't qualify to take the distribution out, so what you're doing there, and we talked about it last week, is Uncle Sam has a liability on your money. You're just basically giving Uncle Sam 10% of your money. And then on top of that, you're paying taxes on any withdrawal. And if you're already currently working, now you just actually raise your tax bracket, so you could be paying additional taxes and this is money that's just lost. And what you're really losing out on is the growth potential down the road. So it really is a...
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    17 Min.
  • Retirement Planning’s “Hidden” Questions
    Jan 18 2024
    The retirement planning world is filled with plenty of advice and suggestions, but there are critical questions lurking in the shadows – the unasked, the overlooked. These are the questions that can help define the comfort and security of your retirement future. On this episode, we unearth and tackle these hidden, but essential questions about retirement. Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. All statements and opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable although it should not be relied upon as such. Any statements or opinions are subject to change without notice. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investment involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Information expressed does not take into account your specific situation or objectives and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for any individual. Listeners are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax, legal, or investment adviser to determine whether any information presented may be suitable for their specific situation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Transcript of Today's Show: For a full transcript of today's show, visit the blog related to this episode at ----more---- Marc : The retirement planning world is filled with plenty of advice and suggestions, but there are some critical questions that sometimes get lurking into the shadows or unasked or just overlooked and that's the questions we're going to talk a little bit about today here on the podcast. So check it out here this week on Retirement Planning Redefined. Hey, everybody. Welcome into the podcast. Thanks for tuning in as John and Nick and myself talk about today's topic, which is some hidden or overlooked questions in retirement planning. So the guys are going to help break this down this week on the show. Thanks so much as always for being here and listening and if you've got some questions, make sure you reach out to the guys at That is Get yourself some time onto the calendar and you can also subscribe to the podcast on whatever app you like using. Find it all right there at Guys, what's going on? Nick, how are you, bud? Nick: Pretty good, pretty good. Happy that we've worked our way into football season and we're starting to get some tease of cooler weather. I'm excited about that. Marc : Yeah. Very good. John my friend, what's happening in your neck of the woods? You doing all right? How's the little ones? John: Good. Little ones are good. They're seven and four. So they keep getting older and a little bit more- Marc : Weird how that happens, right? John: I know. Personality's definitely coming out I'll say. My kids are completely different and we're like, "How did this happen?" One is very reserved and shy and the other one's a complete maniac, but they're great. Marc : Yeah. It's like they look at each other as they're going through things and the stuff that we don't see as parents and they're like, "I'm going to be the opposite of this person," or whatever the case is. It's always funny how the siblings, now I just have the one, but I'm one of seven myself so I certainly can relate to the siblings, but myself, I only have the one kid and she's all of it rolled into one. She's got a little bit of everything going on with her so there's definitely nothing happening. There's nothing hidden about that kid that's for sure. She puts it all out there. And that's my segue into the topic today for retirement plannings hidden questions. I think guys for some of these, they're not necessarily hidden as much as maybe overlooked is the better term. I think we know it, we keep it in our mind somewhere, but we tend to just either forget about it or we put our focus someplace else during the journey towards retirement. So you'll see what I mean here with this first one. The question might be, how much are these tax deferred savings eventually going to cost me in taxes? And so you can kind of see where I'm going with this. If you're pumping away into the 401k 'cause you've been told that's the thing to do for 40 years, you kind of forget that eventually you know it, but you forget, eventually Uncle Sam's going, "Hey. Where's mine?" Right? So how much is it going to cost us? Nick: Yeah. I would say that's definitely a topic that we talk about quite a bit, especially with the required minimum distribution age getting pushed back. Some clients that have allocated a large portion of their retirement funds to pre-tax accounts and then maybe have their ...
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    21 Min.
  • Till Debt Do Us Part: Resolving Financial Sources of Tension Between Couples
    Oct 19 2023
    Money can't buy love, but it can certainly start some spicy debates between you and your better half. In this episode, we're digging into the financial face-offs that make Monopoly fights look like child's play and exploring some money minefields that can test even the most solid relationships. Listen in as we explore how to resolve some of the most common financial sources of tension between couples. Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. All statements and opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable although it should not be relied upon as such. Any statements or opinions are subject to change without notice. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investment involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Information expressed does not take into account your specific situation or objectives and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for any individual. Listeners are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax, legal, or investment adviser to determine whether any information presented may be suitable for their specific situation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Transcript of Today's Show: For a full transcript of today's show, visit the blog related to this episode at ----more---- Marc: Welcome into another edition of the podcast. It's Retirement Planning Redefined with John and Nick from PFG Private Wealth. Find them online at if you've got questions or concerns about your retirement strategy or lack thereof. This week we're going to be talking about 'til debt do us part, resolving potential financial sources of tension between couples, because let's be honest, married couples fight, and often it's about money. That's usually the number one reason that we get into arguments. So we've got five that we want to identify and talk through a little bit and try to hopefully shine some light on some places where we can talk about some of these things and maybe get onto the same page and not have these arguments. Because a lot of times these things happen in front of advisors the very first time. Guys, not too long ago, I was just chatting with another advisor, who said he was sitting down with a married couple, they were talking, they were going over the stuff, and they were pleasantly surprised about some extra money that they were going to have. The husband says, "Great, we're going to buy an RV and travel the country," and the wife looked at him and said, "Since when? You've never ever brought this up before." So it was the first time she had ever heard it. So we want to make sure that that's not happening. We want to try to have these conversations, ideally with each other before we sit down with an advisor, but certainly that's going to happen as well, because you guys, as you know, often wind up having to be a little bit of marriage counselors sometimes when it comes to dealing with finance in front of folks. That's going to be the topic this week. We're going to get into it. Nick, how you doing buddy? Nick: Doing well. Doing well, thanks. Marc: Yeah. You ever run into that situation where a couple said something in front of you and you could tell the other one was completely caught off guard? Nick: Oh yeah. Yep. Yep. It's- Marc: Par for the course? Nick: Yeah, that's when the couple's therapy hat goes on. Marc: That's right. Nick: Probably a lot of advisors don't work in teams like John and I do, oftentimes, and I would say one of the things that it helps with the most is just being able to pick up on the social cues a little bit easier from both people, just because people, depending upon their personality, they may show you a lot with their expression. Marc: Yeah. Little tandem action there. John, you're married. I'm married. Married couples argue, right? And money's usually the big deal. John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Speak for yourself, Mark. [inaudible 00:02:15] aware of it. It's all roses over here. Marc: Your wife's listening, that's right. Make sure you don't say anything, yeah. But it does happen, right? And money's the number one argument point. So, let's talk about these five that we've identified here that people tend to run into in y'all's industry. Risk tolerance, if I start that first one, risk tolerance in investments. This is pretty simple. If you're talking about two people, there's a good chance one feels one way about something and the other one feels the other way, especially when it comes to being married couples. So one person may be more aggressive with the portfolio and ...
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    18 Min.
  • Mastering Retirement Cash Flow: Understanding Income
    Oct 12 2023
    Get ready for part two of our Retirement Cash Flow series! This time, we're diving into the income side of the equation. In our first two episodes, we tackled the ins and outs of your expenses in retirement. Now, it's all about understanding the crucial role of income analysis. We'll uncover the secrets of guaranteed income versus the uncertain stuff and shed light on the consequences of retiring without a clear income plan. Don't worry if you're feeling lost - we've got your back with practical solutions and expert guidance. Tune in and take charge of your retirement cash flow! Helpful Information: PFG Website: Contact: 813-286-7776 Email: Disclaimer: PFG Private Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. All statements and opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable although it should not be relied upon as such. Any statements or opinions are subject to change without notice. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investment involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Information expressed does not take into account your specific situation or objectives and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for any individual. Listeners are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax, legal, or investment adviser to determine whether any information presented may be suitable for their specific situation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Transcript of Today's Show: For a full transcript of today's show, visit the blog related to this episode at ----more---- Mark: Welcome into this week's edition of the podcast. It's Retirement Planning - Redefined with John and Nick from PFG Private Wealth, back with me again to talk about mastering retirement cash flow. So we're going to dive into the income side of the equation here a little bit on these things that we need to discuss, and go through this crucial role of income analysis. And we'll talk about, hopefully, some ways to highlight some points to think about when it comes to making sure you've got that cash flow taken care of. Because clearly, we've got to have income in retirement when we're no longer getting those paychecks. So that's on the docket this week on the show. Once again, guys, thanks for being here. John, what's going on buddy? John: Oh, not too much. Just starting to get this Florida heat hitting me and we're only about a month into it, but I think I'm already tired of it. Mark: Already tired of it? Yeah, you got a ways to go if that's the case. What about you, Nick? How are you doing, my friend? I know you're doing a little moving. Moving's always fun, right? You getting that all worked out? Nick: Yeah, yeah. Well, luckily the move wasn't too bad, but pretty much settled in and I got a little bit of break from the heat in July after going up north for a little bit, like I tend to do during the summer. Mark: Oh, yeah. Although it's been hot everywhere. It was probably hot up there too, wasn't it? Nick: It was, it was. But it was, for sure, cooler and the humidity less. Mark: Yeah. That's the kicker. Yeah. Nick: We definitely had some warm days for sure, but I do enjoy being able to go on the fresh water up there, because I don't do fresh water in Florida. And it's not like I go to the beach that much anyways, but the water at the beaches here right now is just insanely hot. It's not even worth going in. Mark: It's like you get in the bathtub. Nick: Yeah, yeah. It's ridiculous. Mark: You think, "The ocean! I'm going to cool off." No, you're not. But yeah, well, good. I'm glad you guys are doing all right. So let's get in and talk about this cash flow thing here a little bit. Why is understanding income, guys, in retirement critical for the stability of your financial strategy, and what could happen if you don't have that clear picture? Nick: Yeah, so I was actually having a conversation with a client earlier today and really kind of emphasizing ... We emphasize this with our clients quite a bit, that it's super important to have income. Obviously, income is king in retirement, but not completely in lieu of liquidity, of having other funds. So this one client had good direct income sources and then had a decision to make on a pension, on whether to lump sum, roll over or take it as an income. And because of the overall financial strategy, for her it made sense to take lump sum, roll it over into an IRA. And that would kind of give her the balance of having assets that she can dip into, versus just a stream of income that would limit her on other things. Creating that balance is different for every single person, but we really try to emphasize trying to make sure that you understand the different ...
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    17 Min.