• Ep. 8 - Work, Class, Money: A Response to "Hillbilly Elegy"
    Jul 22 2024

    Hey y'all!

    My mama wasn't on drugs. My daddy never left. My parents are still married. I don't know anyone on meth.

    Have you ever been stereotyped? Have you ever been on the receiving end of people believing a single story about you (or defining you by a single thing)?

    Back in 2021, I wrote a post on Instagram as a response to the movie and book, "Hillbilly Elegy" by J.D Vance. Although this is NOT a political podcast, post, or episode, I thought it was timely, with Vance recently accepting the republican nomination for VP, to continue the conversation.

    Today's episode is not a critique of the book or film as I try to not be critical of another person's life or story. It's just another life and another story worth sharing and hearing - a story from another "educated hillbilly" - a story that is mine. This story just happens to also be a bit of a counter-narrative to the one currently popularized.

    A few of the topics covered in this episode are as follows:

    1.) There is a danger in a single story. (Watch the TEDTalk, y'all.) 2.) Selling the myth: "It's their own fault that they are poor." 3.) Selling the myth: "Military, Education, and/or Marriage" 4.) "Poor" does not equal dumb, drug-addicted, or dysfunctional. 5.) Higher education is not always a "ticket out of poverty." 6.) There is nothing wrong with being a hillbilly. 7.) "Success" looks different to different people. 8.) However, money also matters and should be used for good. 9.) Strategies for avoiding the single story and making the world a better place. 10.) How this all connects to money, work, and class. 11.) Love (and a Song Dedication)

    Stick around to the end on this one, y'all. You might just ugly cry...in a good way.

    Song references: Time of Day - Turnpike Troubadours Follow You to Virgie - Tyler Childers

    I can't wait to hear your thoughts! Comment or DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share!

    Opportunities to connect are coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by leaning in, learning, and never accepting a single story of a person or place.

    Happy Trails. A country mile in my hillbilly shoes.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    47 Min.
  • Ep. 7 - Creatives, Empaths, and Highly Sensitive People Can't Be Beat When It Comes To This ONE Skill
    Jul 19 2024

    Hey y'all!

    What one skill helps you make friends, avoid unnecessary conflict, have deeper, more meaningful relationships, and navigate work and social situations with ease?

    What one skill can land you meaningful work and a life you love?

    What one skill also happens to come naturally to most highly sensitive people, creatives, and empaths?


    Today's episode is all about emotional intelligence - what it means, where you rank, things you can do to improve it, and how it can be a superpower at work and beyond!

    For quick reference, a few highlights are as follows:

    5 Key Elements: 1.) Self-Awareness 2.) Self-Regulation 3.) Motivation 4.) Empathy 5.) Social Skills

    Areas of Focus for Improvement (or to Turn Your Strength into a Superpower): 1.) Get to Know You 2.) Identify Your Unique Triggers (And Plan To Overcome Them) 3.) Take Responsibility for Your Emotions 4.) Listen to Your Body 5.) Don't Suppress - Recognize, Process, and Channel Bonus - Empathy

    At Work: 1.) Observe Dynamics - Watch Social Cues, Non-Verbals, and Micro-Expressions 2.) Listen 3.) Pay Attention to the Stories 4.) Observe What Matters (Individually and to the Group) 5.) Avoid People and Triggers Bonus - Dare to be Authentic

    How can you capitalize on emotional intelligence? What area most resonated with you?

    I would love to hear your thoughts! DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share yours!

    Opportunities to connect are coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others through emotional intelligence!

    Happy Trails. The emotionally intelligent kind.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    42 Min.
  • Ep. 6 - Is your passion a hobby, job, career, or calling? How knowing the difference can guide you toward purpose and get you paid!
    Jul 2 2024

    Hey y'all!

    Who do you want to be when you grow up? What are your passions? How do you discern whether your passions are a hobby, a job, a career, or a calling? And, ultimately, how do you actually get paid to do something you enjoy?

    Today's episode is all about making the abstract more concrete so that we can create efficient and effective plans for financial stability and work we love! We discuss ideas around embracing your multi-passionate nature and streamlining it for your version of success. We also outline the differences between a hobby, job, career, and calling and how to use these as containers to help you get where you want to be.

    For quick reference, our working definitions of these concepts are as follows:

    HOBBY - Something you do for fun. No one has to know. You don't get paid.

    JOB - Transactional. Trade time, energy, or output for money. Don't have to love (or even like) it. Typically, more short-term.

    CAREER - Devote time and energy to it. Investment. Education. Trajectory. Strategic Effort.

    CALLING - Can't "not" do. Divinely inspired. Vocation. Would do it forever, for free.

    Where do your passions fit? Have they changed over time?

    Ultimately, can purposeful and fulfilling work also make you money?

    I would love to hear your thoughts! DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share yours!

    Opportunities to connect are coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by sharing your passions!

    Happy Trails. The passion-filled kind.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    25 Min.
  • Ep. 5 - It's Not You, It's Them: Why Your Job Is The Problem And How To Navigate It
    Jun 27 2024

    Hey y'all!

    Do you wonder why you can't find a job you like? Or, why you dislike jobs once you start them? Maybe you think that is just the way it is? Wonder if the problem is you? I am here to tell you that it's not you, IT'S THEM. They (the hopelessly antiquated jobs) are most often the problem.

    Today's episode is all about the traps we fall into when acquiring a job, ways to navigate out of them, and other tips and encouragement on your journey to meaningful work and a secure and balanced life you love!

    This episode is straight from my heart to yours and covers topics like:

    1.) Performing Interviews 2.) Interviewing Back 3.) Expectation Management 4.) Personality Conflicts 5.) Understanding Your Why 6.) Your Values, Intentions, and Giftings 7.) People-Pleasing 8.) Boundaries 9.) Tweaking Your Job 10.) Leaving Your Job (Making a Plan)

    I would love to know which topic most resonates with you?! I love hearing your thoughts! DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share yours!

    Opportunities to connect and work together will be available shortly! Stay tuned!

    Website also coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by unapologetically pursuing that "something more" you've been looking for!

    I'm here for you and I'm rooting for you!

    Happy Trails. The kinds that lead to work you love.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    30 Min.
  • Ep. 4 - Not Into Networking? The Best Communication Tips To "Conversate," Your Way (For Introverts, Sensitives, Empaths, And Anti-Socialites)!
    Jun 21 2024

    Hey y'all!

    Not into networking? Today's episode outlines the very best communication tips to "conversate" in your unique way (for introverts, sensitives, empaths, and anti-socialites everywhere)!

    In today's world, we are more disconnected than ever. This episode is an exploration into the ways in which we can build real genuine authentic connections with the people we were designed to do life with. It's not about the icky slimy "networking" practices that society tells us will get us ahead. Those only further drive disconnection and cause frustration for many of us. It's time to give networking a glow up y'all! This is another important piece of the puzzle that gets you one step closer to work that matters and a meaningful life you love!

    For quick reference, my top tips mentioned in the podcast are as follows:

    The Do Nots 1.) Don't Multitask 2.) Don't Equare Your Experience 3.) Don't Pontificate 4.) Don't Complain

    The Dos 1.) Use Open Ended Questions 2.) First Word Floodgates 3.) Find The Me Toos 4.) Pay A Unique Compliment 5.) Ask For An Opinion 6.) Name, Place, Animal Thing 7.) Create Intention 8.) Know The Levels 9.) Chain Stories 10.) FORD (Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams)

    The Bonus Ideas 1.) Hand-Written Cards Or Notes 2.) Like, Subscribe, Rate, And/Or Review 3.) Donate/Volunteer 4.) Text/Email Thanks/Compliments

    Pick one of these and try it. Action creates clarity y'all. This is a big step toward transforming your life and making space for the opportunities you have been waiting for! It's a quick win with major long-term impact! You just have to try it!

    I can't wait to hear how it goes! Comment or DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share your wins!

    Opportunities to connect, build community, and work together will be available shortly!

    Website also coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by building real soul connections and walking in love.

    Happy Trails. The genuine kind.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    49 Min.
  • Ep. 3 - Meaningful Music Monday: The Sneaky Power of Country Music to Change Your Heart and Impact Your Art
    Jun 17 2024

    Hey y'all!

    Can music really change a heart? Can it impact your art? Is music really all that powerful? Today's episode is all about the power of music in meaning making, in both individual and collective identity development, and what that means for you on your journey to meaningful work and a life you love!

    My country music scholar comes out in this one y'all! The first 15 minutes (or so) outlines the role (country) music plays in our lives and society. The second half of the podcast is dedicated to a specific country song as an artifact for dissection and understanding.

    Ultimately, we explore the following paradox: influences that push us forward can also hold us back (and the ways in which we can be more mindful of the limitations and blocks that keep us from our highest and best).

    This one is a bit deep, a bit fun, and a lot thought-provoking!

    I would love to hear all of your thoughts! DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share yours!

    Opportunities to connect, build community, and work together will be available shortly! Stay tuned!

    Email address and website also coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by guarding your heart and sharing your art.

    Happy Trails. The kind with music.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    36 Min.
  • Ep. 2 - Whose vision are you following? 10 questions to uncovering and owning your unique vision for work and life!
    Jun 13 2024

    Hey y'all!

    Whose vision are you following? Today's episode explores 10 questions to help you uncover and own YOUR unique vision for work and life!

    In today's world, there are so many voices clamoring for our attention. This episode is an invitation to block out all those voices so that you can hear the one that matters -- your own. You will never find meaningful work or get where you want to go in life if you are letting other people call the shots on your one precious life. This is another piece of the puzzle that gets you one step closer to work that matters and a life you love!

    For quick reference, my 10 questions for finding/creating your vision for work and life are as follows:

    1.) What or Who do you believe in?

    2.) What are your values?

    3.) What does your beautiful/abundant life look like?

    4.) What lights you up?

    5.) What are you good at?

    6.) Where do you fall on awareness (personality) assessments?

    7.) What problem do you want to solve?

    8.) What is your WHY?

    9.) What would you do for free?

    10.) When have you experienced flow?

    I can't wait to see your vision! Seriously! Comment or DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share yours!

    Opportunities to connect, build community, and work together will be available shortly! Stay tuned!

    Email address and website also coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by knowing and trusting YOUR vision!

    Happy Trails. The visionary kind.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    38 Min.
  • Ep. 1 - What is your intelligence type? How knowing your unique type of intelligence can lead to work you love!
    Jun 13 2024

    Hey y'all!

    Have you ever questioned your intelligence because someone along the way told you that you weren't good at something? Today's episode is all about the idea of multiple intelligences and how we can use our unique intelligence to find meaningful work we love!

    Spoiler alert: YOU are intelligent! Listening to this podcast is evidence enough for me to know that you have something beautiful to contribute. In this episode, I outline the nine types of intelligence. These are a piece of the puzzle that will get you from soul-sucking work to your soul work!

    For quick reference, Howard Gardner's nine intelligences are as follows:

    1.) Logical-Mathematical

    2.) Visual-Spatial

    3.) Verbal-Linguistic

    4.) Bodily- Kinesthetic

    5.) Naturalistic

    6.) Musical

    7.) Interpersonal

    8.) Intrapersonal

    9.) Existential

    I can't wait to hear which intelligence most resonates with you! Comment or DM me on IG (@hannahbphd) to share your type!

    Opportunities to connect, build community, and work together will be available shortly! Stay tuned!

    Email address and website also coming soon!

    Until then, feed the good in yourself and others by being YOUR type of intelligent!

    Happy Trails. The intelligent kind.

    Yakoke (Thanks)!

    Hannah B., PhD

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    33 Min.