• 331: The Force of Life Revealed by the Masters
    Jun 20 2023
    Steven and Meg consider how the soul is stirred by the effect of if itself in creation - art, music and sunsets. Steven explains the essence of that which is beautiful and how the Kinetic Believer locates the source of beauty. “Whenever there is beauty, kindness, the recognition of the goodness of simple things in our life, as a creative creator, which to the extent that we will allow ourselves to be, all of us are, we look for the expression of that interpretation within ourself.  But don’t look for it as if you were looking for the thing.  Beauty is not a thing - neither is kindness. It is like the collective brilliance of a clear, starlit, night sky.  Goodness has no form. It is timeless, it is at peace with itself, it simply is.  And beauty, in the fulness of any present moment, is infinitely more than the words that attempt to describe its place.  When you are able to sense it directly within yourself, you move beyond the  edges of boundaries, and into the blissful state of Being.  
    So when you sense something as wonderful and without words, — it could be a sound, that of a bird, or music, a sight, a touch — when you are consumed with the beauty, when you choose to inhabit loving kindness toward creation, toward another something, another human being, notice the inner awakening to the source of creation and your oneness with the experience. This state of conscious awareness isn’t defined by that which is good, or bad.  It has no labels.  It simply - is.  Most people, in their exhaustive search for something significant to happen to them, continuously miss the importance of the insignificant. Which may not be insignificant at all. Cultivating qualities like beauty, kindness, and goodness within oneself can require patience and practice, especially if they do not already resonate strongly within you. It’s with consistent effort, that it is definitely possible to nurture the qualities of being a Kinetic Believer.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std. und 18 Min.
  • 330: The Greatest Scientific Discovery - Weaponized Belief
    Jun 19 2023
    Steve and Meg discuss the benefit of house plants to our everyday success. Steve explains how to appropriate the power of our beliefs beyond our actual experiences. “We were talking the other day about the ongoing process of transformation into an enlightened state of consciousness.  And it’s through our experiential knowledge, our revelation knowledge that comes from interactions, that a person continues along the adventure of their original life path.  In other words, the meeting of two people is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. And it doesn’t have to be the meeting of two people.  It’s our encounter with a sunset, a path through a forest, anything of form has an energetic substance.  And when we commune with the substance of another, both the path through the forest, and you, are transformed, the starlight we gaze in a night sky, transforms the light of the star as well as the observer.  There is always a reaction to the pass through of observation. This is why its so important to the legacy of life that we choose what we will interact with through consideration, observation.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std. und 22 Min.
  • 329: Fake Reality, Vision Anchors, Intuitive Manifesting
    Feb 25 2023
    Steve and Meg are missing the American west. Steve explains how vision anchors the reality we experience. “This is the concept of quantum entanglement being demonstrated through classical rules, in the larger world of forms, where we move about.  Knowing that everything is connected, we get to choose what we will be entangled with, and we can influence our environment through our thoughts and beliefs.
    Past events can have a profound impact on our lives and can cause us to form beliefs that affect our entire worldview.  And usually this is done unconsciously.  Either positive or negative, these events leave a lasting impression.  However, by understanding the concept of kinetic belief, we begin to shift our beliefs about past events to manifest the future we want. If you’re going to blame a parent or someone from the past for the bad in your life, you need to also give them credit for the good.  Then do the work, forgive them, and move on.  And you’ll begin the process of replacing negative thought forms with new, expansive positive imaginations that are greater and more wonderful than anything you’ve ever thought about or imagined before. Knowledge is potential power, and applied knowledge is a dynamic tool for tearing down the walls of limiting beliefs.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std. und 14 Min.
  • 328: Quantum Entanglement, Kinetic Belief, Mind Projection, Perfecting Life
    Feb 14 2023
    Steve and Meg discuss new rules emerging from quantum physics changing fundamental science. Steve explains how we can literally re-construct reality. “The many-worlds theory says that the universe is constantly branching into multiple parallel universes, each representing a different outcome of every possible event.  In this theory, each universe is real, but they cannot interact with each other.  The only reason it’s controversial is because it’s so difficult to test - experimentally, at least for now. But where there is an overriding consensus is, this means that the entire universe, from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest celestial object, is governed by quantum rules. Now, this is where things get to be mind blowing exciting.  Human consciousness has the ability to shape reality through the act of observation. When a person holds a belief, that’s called a kinetic belief.  And it has the power to influence their kinetic energy, or their intentional movements, and ultimately determine the state of their reality.  So this is now science.  But this is also the principle of faith that Jesus taught and demonstrated in his own life, encouraging people to believe in what they cannot see rather than basing their lives on what they can observe. But regardless of who you are, or where in the world you live, here’s the challenge, everybody’s everyday experiences seem to be defined by what’s called, classical laws of physics, which cause most people to believe that they are separate from some alien, quantum world, a place far far away, where particles are attracted to each other, even from great distances. In reality, the truth is, the classical rules are simply the result of quantum rules acting on large numbers of big objects. So what we understand to be true in strange, quantum rules, also applies to our every day, grown up lives.”  

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std. und 3 Min.
  • 327: The #1 Action that Guarantees A Dream Will Come True
    Jan 2 2023
    Steve and Meg are thrilled to be back after a brief concert tour.  Steve shares how the abundant life naturally enfolds to anyone that’s willing, “The practice of being present within the masterpiece that is you, is both meditation in motion —  and stillness…but stillness in an excited gratitude.  Look - practicing gratitude isn’t as simple as saying, “I’m grateful, I’m grateful.”  It’s thinking and saying aloud, before you have it, “I’m so freaking excited that I have the new job, I’m so excited, nobody else can possibly understand, and they don’t need to, but I love what I get to do, it’s a privilege to have….” Whatever it is that you’re meditating to observe to experience.        
    This is you… living a life led by your positive beliefs, and while you act — you just know in your actions that because you’re putting your hands to something — your positive energy —your highest expectations - are steadfastly attracting that which has to be good.  Look - a creative life is never finished, it’s only abandoned.  it’s left undone by disinterest.  A creative life is abandoned by the excuses for failure.  The creative, abundant life is abandoned by succumbing to the lower self.  But the power of kinetic belief working positively in human consciousness, a mindset that’s stirred up with the expectations of abundance, of joy, of happiness, of excitement for new experiences…for new observations — a daily intentional kinetic belief attracts days of opportunities to explore…for the abundance of increase, for an abundance of experiences that overwhlem mediocrity. This is how the abundant life enfolds.  It’s through the practice of bringing mindfulness into the activities of everyday life.  If I’m watching a sunset - I’m not thinking about what’s for dinner.  I’m watching and enjoying the hues that change, as the earth rotates away from the sun. Most people try to navigate their lives away from the moment. So they go round and round the safest place they can find, while playing blackjack or candy candy on their phones.  They immerse themselves into a style of life that has no hills to climb, no weight to lift , and nothing new to learn about. The problems on the earth are the holdings of treasure troves.  And they’re considered problematic only because they represent uncharted territory.  And it’s the uncharted territory that contains chests of treasure.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std. und 11 Min.
  • 326: Become a Master of Thought Domination and Attract What You Desire
    Oct 5 2022
    Steven and Meg discover more about the abilities of geese in flight then Meg probably wanted to know. Steven explains to us how to come out from under self perceived, obligatory inaction. “Look, it’s not your job to tell yourself no.  It’s not your job to reject yourself or grade yourself or debate the value or worthiness of your ideas.
    Your job is to create. Your job is to share. Your job is to overcome fear and run the race of your original identity. Yes, if you build something people might judge it or dislike it. But if you don’t create the things that you have inside of you, then you’ll commit the far worse thing of rejecting yourself, simply because someone else did. Be a person of no reputation and you’ll remove the adversary of border bullies, those people who shoot down your genius of purpose,  which is the genius of your positive motives, 
    because you can either be judged because you created something or ignored because you left your greatness inside of you. And it’s sad to say, most people leave their greatness undone out of the fear of being judged.  Why?  Because they are worried about what others may think.  Look, what people think about me, is none of my business. Either way, you can either be judged because you created something or ignored because you left your greatness inside of you.
    When I look back at my life, most of my experiences would have never happened if I had waited until I felt like it was the right time.
    Do not wait for someone to give you permission to begin. Nobody is going to tap you, nominate you, appoint you, or choose you and say, “Now, it’s time to start.” Give yourself permission.  Successful people start before they feel ready.  The only thing required is for you to be ready and willing to endure the pursuit of you.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std. und 3 Min.
  • 325: When It's OK to Judge
    Sep 14 2022
    Steven and Meg are heading to TX.  Steven shares an experience he had while writing in a public library.  And how he practiced being non- judgmental.  And, why it’s vital for becoming everything we’re meant to be.  “To attract favor, from an unbiased universe, a person must remain open-minded, unbiased, impartial and unprejudiced.  So you may be thinking, “how do I do this?  You just don’t know the kind of people I have to work with every day.  You don’t know my family.  You just don’t know what kind of life I’m experiencing Steve.”  Perhaps I don’t.  But I do know that if you’re surrounded by a lot of people that are toxic, that are difficult for you, it is because you are a judgmental person. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be effected by those around you.  And you wouldn’t attract more of what you’re negatively effected by.  Is non Judgement even possible?  I was in a library yesterday.  I conveniently found a sound proof glass booth to do some writing in.  But there was a young girl, enjoying a book.  And as she read, she walked around the room, circling around it, passing by my booth, circling around, passing my booth, and circling around again.  My booth would shake by her continuous circling, each time she would pass me.  I tried not to judge her, but as I focused on what I was trying not to judge, she aggravated me a little more with each lap she took. Is it possible to be non judgmental?   Yes, it is possible to practice being non-judgmental and to exercise non-critical thinking. What is an example of non judgmental?  Well, in this case, it’s when I don’t judge the behavior of this young girl, cirling around the library, lap after lap, not taking her eyes off of her book, weaving in and out of the tables, and I remain open-minded about different people and their ideas.  It’s me, allowing her to experience the library in her way, this is me, trying to be an example of someone who would be described as nonjudgmental.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    1 Std.
  • 324: The Magic of Measuring Your Frequency
    Sep 10 2022
    Steven and Meg are excited about going to Dallas Texas for a KB workshop on Saturday, November 19th.  Steven shares how to know if we’re in a good place for attracting good things into our lives.  “For each one of us, how intense our belief is, and how concerted our expectant actions are, determines our vibrational characteristics.  In the same way that music is transited from an instrument to a listener, tiny vibrating strings of energy make up every particle in the universe.  The harmonics of these strings are sending signals, out into the universe, indicating where there is an expectation for a manifestation to arrive. The Law of Vibration is a very real, quantum effect. Our energy frequency and vibration directly relates to both our thoughts and what we label our surroundings to be.  Either by pre-judgments, or re-judgements. This is the task of the KB.  We get up every day, re-judging our lives, our circumstances, our ages, our relationships, our professions, the weather, our society, our neighborhoods, our abilities, passions and compassions.  We re-label the extent of our lives as marvelous, wonderful adventures of observations, perfect as they are, while on the way to becoming perfected.”

    Highest Viewpoints -
    “The authority of my creative genius is attracting great wealth today.
    I do not receive any thing that is negative for me—because I’ve entered into the land of my greatness and prosperity.
    I am aligned with my destiny of inclined purpose and all is well!
    My genius of purpose to be entertained by the world around me, is unique to me and only me. 
    I’m not like anyone else.  Therefore, I’m the greatest of me—and I am that, with ease. 
    I’m attracting the abundance of my life’s purpose today, everywhere I go and in the midst of everyone I see.
    My gratitude for wisdom is changing every circumstance to favor me now.
    I am, therefor I am.”

    Connect with Steven Canyon:

    Text “KINETIC" to 844-844-0049
    Website - https://stevencanyon.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stevencanyon/
    Clubhouse - @stevencanyon and @megancanyon
    Facebook - https://facebook.com/stevencanyonco
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    53 Min.