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  • Impact! is a podcast that creates change WITH our listeners, using the power of prayer and intention to bring about positive change in our world. Each week, we explore one aspect of what it means to pray, offer healing, or send intention out into the world, and by so doing, to actually have an impact. We welcome anyone who wants to play their part in creating peace, harmony and healing in the world.
    Copyright Impact! Productions 2023 All rights reserved.
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  • Hope and Healing: Understanding the Somali Conflict
    Sep 12 2024
    This week, we delve into the background to the ongoing civil war in Somalia. We seek to understand the country's complex history and the present-day challenges and efforts to achieving peace. As the country prepares for critical upcoming elections and a major transition in its electoral and parliamentary system, we discuss the implications. And as always, we consider where our intentions and prayers might be focused to look forward to a brighter future for a much troubled country, in which good governance, economic growth, and security can flourish. Suggested intention focus This week, as there appears to be some hope for progress in improving governance, economic growth and security in Somalia, we suggest as our special focus for intention: We will that the Somali government will be guided in its determination of relations with Somaliland, and in its response to insurgent attacks. Please join us in holding this. Labyrinth Activist Network’s Peaceful and Free Elections initiative Join others to hold Somalia and all countries and regions holding important elections this year with the Labyrinth Activist Network’s Peaceful and Free Elections initiative https://www.legacylabyrinthproject.org/peaceful-free-elections-event Chapter Markers: 00:00:12 Introduction 00:01:13 Understanding Somalia’s Civil War 00:09:14 Challenges and Prospects for Peace 00:12:23 Transitioning to Direct Elections 00:15:34 Holding Intentions for Somalia’s Future Sources referenced for this episode: https://www.britannica.com/event/Somalia-intervention https://spheresofinfluence.ca/an-analysis-of-the-civil-war-in-somalia/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14094503 https://theowp.org/crisis_index/somali-civil-war/ https://sites.google.com/a/umn.edu/historpedia/home/politics-and-government/the-causes-of-somalia-s-civil-war-fall-2102 https://theowp.org/reports/famine-is-imminent-in-somalia-says-the-un/ https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15741.doc.htm https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/monthly-forecast/2024-06/somalia-35.php https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/somalia-asks-peacekeepers-slow-withdrawal-fears-islamist-resurgence-2024-06-20/ https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15793.doc.htm https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/somalia https://bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report/SOM https://mast-security.com/news-insights/somalias-road-to-stability-and-challenges-in-2024/ https://acleddata.com/2024/05/31/somalia-situation-update-may-2024-renewed-counter-insurgency-operations-expected-as-al-shabaab-regroups/ Join us in person for intenton holding: https://www.legacylabyrinthproject.org/events-1 Labyrinth Activist Network Zoom calls https://insighttimer.com/cliverj Daily intention holding with Clive on Insight Timer. Our websites: www.heartfulimpact.com/ Our show website. https://globalhealingresponse.com/ Global Healing Response ~ Offers a wealth of prayers, suggested practices and prompts in response to environmental catastrophe, conflict, and other world events. https://www.legacylabyrinthproject.org/ Legacy Labyrinth Project ~ Creating global energetic connections through the labyrinth; inspiring active intention sending using the labyrinth via labyrinth activism. https://www.clivejohnsonministry.com/ Clive Johnson Ministry ~ Events and offerings aimed at building beloved community, including weekly energy holding vigils and Power of Eight group. https://insighttimer.com/cliverj ~ Daily intention holding. Impact! Is presented by Ellen Bintz and Clive Johnson. It is produced by Impact Productions. Our show content is hosted by Podbean and available from all major podcast platforms. Our theme music is by Chris Collins. indiemusicbox.com. Our logo artwork is by AltoClassic (Getty Images/istock). Contact us via Facebook Messenger from the Impact! Facebook group, or using any of the contact methods mentioned on our websites. Impact! www.heartfulimpact.com.
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    19 Min.
  • The Power of Collective Intention (Part 2): Science and Strangeness
    Sep 6 2024
    In the second part of our dive into the power of collective intention, this week we explore some of the science behind what might be going on when we hold an intention together. Demystifying terms and concepts such as wave-particle duality and quantum entanglement, and drawing on the groundbreaking work of organizations such as the HeartMath Institute and the Transcendental Meditation Movement, we seek to explain the quantum physics and the mysteries behind such phenomena as collective effervescence and entrainment. We also discuss the Maharishi Effect, the role of heart-brain coherence, and spotlight important new research being undertaken into the impact of collective intention on peaceful and free elections worldwide. Suggested intention focus for this week The HeartMath Institute suggests that we each have an “energetic responsibility,” the duty we each have to recognize that our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions emit energies that impact not only ourselves, but others around us, and to consciously choosing positive emotions like appreciation, care, and love. As we open ourselves to the mysteries and wonder of quantum science, and become exciting at the new discoveries that are enhancing human understanding, let us redouble our belief in the power of intention and intercession, committing ourselves to take our own energetic responsibility seriously. For our specific focus for intention this week, we suggest: We will that each of us in the Impact! community will be mindful of our energetic power and exercise responsibility for this in all circumstances. Please join us in holding this. Find out about and register to take part in the Labyrinth Activist Network and Baylor University's Peaceful and Free Elections Program at: https://www.legacylabyrinthproject.org/peaceful-free-elections-event REGISTER BY 19 SEPTEMBER 2024. Books and websites mentioned in this episode: ‘The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World,’ by Lynne McTaggart. Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Eight-Harnessing-Miraculous-Energies/dp/1501115553 ‘The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World,’ by Lynne McTaggar. Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Intention-Experiment-Using-Thoughts-Change/dp/0743276965/ Lynne McTaggart’s website: https://lynnemctaggart.com/ HeartMath Institute website: https://www.heartmath.org/ Institute of Noetic Sciences, IONS, website: https://noetic.org/ IONS Global Consciousness Project 2.0: https://noetic.org/research/global-consciousness-project-2/ Transcental Meditaton Movement website: https://www.tm.org/ The Big Connection https://www.legacylabyrinthproject.org/bigconnection Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields - an Introduction by Rupert Sheldrake, https://www.sheldrake.org/research/morphic-resonance/introduction Michael E. Hyland describes entanglement in very readable terms in his paper Does a form of ‘entanglement’ between people explain healing? An examination of hypotheses and methodology, Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2004) 12, pp 198–208, which is freely available online. See: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8081237_Does_a_form_of_%27entanglement%27_between_people_explain_healing_An_examination_of_hypotheses_and_methodology. Chapter Markers: 00:00:10 Introduction 00:06:45 Particles-Wave Duality and Heart-Brain Coherence 00:08:53 Quantum Physics Unveiled 00:14:53 Exploring Quantum Entanglement 00:18:49 Collective Consciousness and Healing 00:23:35 The Maharishi Effect 00:32:35 Peaceful & Free Elections Event 00:35:17 Collective Effervescence 00:43:37 Energetic Responsibility in Action Reference sources consulted for this episode: https://www2.nau.edu/~gaud/bio302/content/clsphy.htm https://www.informationphilosopher.com/introduction/physics/wave-particle_duality.html https://www.asc.ohio-state.edu/mathur.16/quantummechanics27-11-17/qm1.1/qm1.1.html https://www.heartmath.com/blog/health-and-wellness/what-is-heart-coherence/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9010850/ https://www.informationphilosopher.com/problems/nonlocality/ https://scienceforthechurch.org/2019/03/05/a-quantum-series-volume-2-where-is-god-in-the-quantum/ https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.974683/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9473704/ https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/music-moves/0/steps/12696 https://millar.bio.ed.ac.uk/andrewM/Jo%20Selwood%20site/entrainment.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3306345/ https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.974683/full https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.607538/full https://transcendentalmeditationblog.wordpress.com/2023/09/23/...
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    47 Min.
  • Paralympic Special: Inclusivity and Inspiration
    Aug 29 2024
    This week, as the spectacular Paralympic Games open in Paris, we turn our attention to all things Paralympics, but also, to consider the challenges of impairment beyond sport and the true meaning of inclusivity. As a friend of ours who is visually impaired once said. while recognising the efforts of many to be aware of her needs, “I often get invited to the party, but very rarely do I get invited to dance.” So, what can we do to ensure that our impaired friends enjoy the dances that they might share with us? Along the way, we’ll also take some inspiration from what’s happening in Paris – including cheering on the partner of the daughter of a friend of Ellen, who is among the 4,000 and more Paralympians taking part! Where does the word Paralympics come from? How can fair competition happen when athletes taking part in different sports have different levels of impairment? What does it mean to be a Paralympian? These questions and more are also on our minds this week in an inspiring, informative, and encouraging episode! Suggested focus for intention this week This week, we might consider how each one of us individually can take steps to become more inclusive of people with impairments. We therefore suggest holding as our special focus this week: We will that we will always be mindful of, and have wisdom to know how to be as fully inclusive as possible of people we may meet who have an impairment, when planning activities, entertaining others, and in general conversation, whether their impairment is known to us or otherwise. Please join us in holding this. And if you yourself have an impairment, you may wish to especially focus the intention on willing greater awareness of where others may best have wisdom to ensure that you not only get invited to the party, but you feel fully a part of the dance. If this includes you, please do share in the Facebook group what we all can do to make this happen! Websites referred to for this episode: Our special thanks to Tammy for sharing her insights in our research for this episode. Watch Kaitlyn Eaton, Team USA Basketball Paralympian, prepare for the Paris Games in the Outsports special 'Ballin' Out,' which premiers this week. Series trailer: https://www.outsports.com/2024/8/20/24100529/usa-wheelchair-basketball-women-ballin-out-lgbtq-gay-athletes-series/ Paris 2024 Paralympic Games official website https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024 United Nations member states disability legislation (country listing) https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/disability-laws-and-acts-by-country-area.html Sources referred to for this episode: https://businesscasestudies.co.uk/from-challenges-to-champions-2024-paralympic-stories-that-inspire/ https://eye-able.com/blog/accessibility-laws-worldwide https://mebster.com/meblog/perseverance-and-triumph-the-journey-of-paralympic-athletes https://moneysmartathlete.com/the-financial-struggles-of-paralympic-athletes/hidden-hurdles-paralympic-athletes/ https://nda.ie/disability-policy/international-policy-legislation https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/disability-strategies.html https://www.disabilitywales.org/socialmodel/inclusive-language-and-imagery/ https://www.englandathletics.org/team-england/talent-pathway/paralympic-talent-programme/ https://www.equalrepresentation.scot/toolkit/6-party-culture/33-describing-disabled-people/ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/inclusive-communication/inclusive-language-words-to-use-and-avoid-when-writing-about-disability https://www.nchpad.org/1518/6485/How~to~Become~a~Paralympian https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-rights-persons-disabilities https://www.paralympic.org/athletics/classification https://www.theperformanceroom.co.uk/disaster-triumph-take-brilliantly-resilient/ https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/disability-laws-and-acts-by-country-area.html https://www.usopc.org/eligibility-information https://youtu.be/ZuG87e3vJxs https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/disability https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/disability-strategies.html https://www.who.int/health-topics/disability#tab=tab_1 https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/resources/factsheet-on-persons-with-disabilities.html https://www.humanity-inclusion.org.uk/en/action/disability-the-global-picture https://www.inclusivecitymaker.com/disabled-people-in-the-world-in-2021-facts-and-figures/ https://gelovationseurope.com/the-story-of-the-paralympic-games/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/how-the-paralympic-movement-evolved-into-major-sporting-event Join us in person for intenton holding: https://www.legacylabyrinthproject.org/events-1 Labyrinth Activist Network Zoom calls https://insighttimer.com/cliverj Daily intention holding with Clive on Insight Timer. Our websites: www.heartfulimpact.com/ Our show website. https://globalhealingresponse.com/ Global Healing Response ~ Offers a wealth of prayers, ...
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    37 Min.

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