
  • Victory by Numbers at Plataea
    Aug 18 2023

    Imagine if the Persians would have been victorious at the Battle of Plataea.

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    30 Min.
  • Noble Victory at Agincourt
    Feb 3 2022

    Imagine if the French won The Battle of Agincourt

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    29 Min.
  • Roman’s Britain
    Jan 27 2022

    Imagine if the Roman's never left Britain.

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    28 Min.
  • End of a Revolution
    Jan 4 2022

    Imagine if General Lord Cornwallis and his British army were victorious at the Battle of Yorktown.

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    29 Min.
  • Lee’s Raid to the North
    Dec 28 2021

    Imagine if the Battle of Gettysburg was won by Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.

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    29 Min.