• Typical "First Episode" Info
    Apr 2 2023

    This is our beginnings of the journey. We introduce ourselves, our podcast and Theology of the Body.

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    46 Min.
  • Audience 1 - Start From the Beginning
    Apr 2 2023

    Mia joins us for the first leg of the journey. We are going through the first audience of Theology of the Body focusing on the words of Christ.

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    32 Min.
  • Audience 2 - We Got to Learn Manners Y'all
    Apr 10 2023

    Mia joins us again on our journey through Theology of the Body. In this episode, we are discussing the second Wednesday audience, which speaks about the first creation account. Here, we talk about manners, identity, our goodness and the care the Father had in our creation. 

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    35 Min.
  • Audience 3 - Babies and Innocence
    Apr 17 2023

    Mia continues the journey with us onto Audience 3. In this episode, JPII introduces us to his reflections on the second creation account, which will become the focal point of his subsequent reflections on our original innocence. Here, we speak into encountering our hearts & experiences, babies, male/female complementarity, and the boundary of sin & innocence.

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    37 Min.
  • Audience 4 - Narnia...But Without Aslan
    Apr 24 2023

    Mia journeys with us to the end of the reflections JPII offers us before beginning Original Solitude. Audience 4 lays out for us the key to why our innocence can be embraced again and how we are to understand the experiences of innocence of original man. In this episode, we touch upon "the tension" of redemption, JPII's method, and discovering the echoes of our hearts. 

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    38 Min.
  • Audience 5 - Being Alone vs. Loneliness
    May 1 2023

    Ben Pfundstein joins us for the next part of the journey in the Wednesday audiences. This part begins our discussion on Original Solitude. In this episode, we talk about what our solitude means, being alone and being lonely and how people form their identities without God. 

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    45 Min.
  • Audience 6 - Know Thyself
    May 8 2023

    In this episode, Ben joins us for our continued discussion about Original Solitude. We continue to discover the pieces that reconstruct this original experience. We will discuss topics such as our freedom to choose, the integrity of relationships and encountering ourselves within solitude.

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    42 Min.
  • Audience 7 - Memento Mori Homie
    May 15 2023

    Ben joins us for the last part of our discussions on Original Solitude. In this episode, we will put the pieces together that JPII gives us for understanding the meaning of this original experience. We will discuss topics such as death, suffering and the body as the place of encounter.

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    48 Min.