• 025 Lost Dreams & Goal Setting
    Dec 14 2023

    Title: Lost Dreams & Goal Setting

    Host: Kimberly Design Love

    Key Takeaways: 1. Reflection on Dreams: Sometimes, we forget our dreams amidst the demands of daily life. Taking moments to reflect and reassess can unveil forgotten aspirations.

    2. Walking as a Catalyst: The act of walking, as experienced by the host, can serve as a catalyst for memory and introspection. Simple activities like walking can spark profound revelations.

    3. Living the Present Dream: Amidst the reflections, the host discovered that her dream of living near the beach, once considered a distant retirement plan, became a reality due to unforeseen circumstances and a shift in mindset.

    4. Persistence Pays Off: Goals, especially dream goals, may take time to materialize. Persistence, a shift in perspective, and adapting to changing circumstances can pave the way to achieving seemingly distant dreams.

    5. The Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting Planner: Kimberly introduced a new project close to her heart. This planner is designed to help you navigate the steps toward achieving your dream goals.

    6. Feedback and Connection: Kimberly encourages listeners to share their thoughts, correct any mistakes, or seek further insights on goal-setting through a dedicated reply button, fostering a sense of community and connection.

    7. Appreciating the Journey: The episode concludes with a reminder to appreciate the journey. Celebrating achieved dreams and acknowledging the ongoing, beautiful work of art that is one's life encourages a positive and grateful mindset.

    🚀 **Resources:**

    🎯 Get started with your goal-setting journey today with "The Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting." navigating the often-overcomplicated process.

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    7 Min.
  • 024 Unearthing Your One Thing
    Dec 6 2023

    Title: Unearthing The One Thing

    Host: Kimberly Design Love

    Key Takeaways: 🚀 Discover the power of finding your "One Thing" — that singular purpose that propels your life forward.

    📖 Gain insights from thought leaders, exploring wisdom from books like "The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.

    Ikegai: The Japanese Secret to a Long & Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles

    🎬 Relate the quest for purpose to the classic movie City Slickers, unraveling the layers of meaning in life's adventures.

    🎯 Simplify your approach to goal setting with "The Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting." navigating the often-overcomplicated process.

    🤠 Explore life's missions and the ultimate purpose, drawing parallels to the Japanese concept of Ikigai.

    💭 Reflect on the Cowboy's Secret from City Slickers, unveiling the importance of aligning passion, talent, vocation, and societal need.

    🚀 **Resources:** Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and goal setting with Preliminary Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting (Free gift from Kimberly)

    Let's unearth the magic of finding and living your "One Thing."

    The One Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan

    Ikegai: The Japanese Secret to a Long & Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles

    City Slickers DVD on Amazon

    Kimberly's Gift:

    Preliminary Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting

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    6 Min.
  • 023 What to Do After a Brush with Death
    Nov 30 2023

    Title: What to Do After a Brush with Death

    Host: Kimberly Design Love

    Key Takeaways:

    • Explore the transformative power of facing life's brevity.
    • Seneca's wisdom: rehearsing death as a means to freedom.
    • Laughter in a high school theater class and the lesson of living fully.
    • Reflection on life's preciousness
    • Linda Ellis' poignant poem "The Dash" and its impact on reevaluating life.


    Preliminary Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting

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    8 Min.
  • 022 A Journey to the Past and The Future
    Nov 9 2023

    Podcast Episode Title: 022 A Journey into the Past and Future

    In Episode 22 of "Design a Business You Love," join host Kimberly Design Love on a reflective journey through the streets of Kansas City, unlocking memories and invaluable lessons from the past. We explored how revisiting familiar places can shed light on personal growth and change, and how nostalgia can fuel creativity. You'll also discover practical tips for incorporating reflective practices into your daily routine. Whether you're an artist, writer, or entrepreneur, join me in uncovering the power of storytelling and the transformative potential of embracing your past.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Exploring the intersection of how your past shapes your future
    2. Dream Big - Design BIG
    3. Saving What's Important


    • Discovering Your Passion & Discover Your Purpose Guide
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    8 Min.
  • 021 Vacations and Downtime Help Us Recharge
    Oct 26 2023

    How Vacations & Downtime Helps Us Recharge Our Creative Batteries!

    In our latest episode, we delve into the art of downtime and why it's crucial for artists, writers, and entrepreneurs. Discover the power of delegation, automation, and even remote podcasting to keep your creative juices flowing, even while on vacation. Join us as we explore the transformative benefits of taking a step back, and return to your work with newfound energy and inspiration. Tune in now and design the extraordinary artistic journey you deserve! 🚀 #CreativeRejuvenation #ArtisticJourney #PodcastInspiration"


    Rode VideoMic Me-L iPhone/iPad Microphone
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    4 Min.
  • 020 How to Design a Business Around Your Lifestyle
    Oct 19 2023

    Podcast Episode Title: 020 Designing a Business Around Your Lifestyle

    In Episode 20 of "Design a Business You Love," we embark on a journey to harmonize your creative aspirations with the demands of your busy lifestyle. Discover how to mold a business that seamlessly integrates with your artistic vision. Host, Kimberly Design Love, explores the essential steps to turn your creative dreams into a thriving reality.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Finding Your Creative Calling - Delve into your passions and envision the impact you want to make through your art. Shape a business that aligns with your artistic journey.

    2. An Artist's Journey: Discovering Her Creative Calling - Meet Lydia, a closet artist who found her calling amidst the demands of her accounting career. Learn how a chance encounter with an art fair sparked a transformation.

    3. Crafting Your Creative Idea - Translate your creative vision into a unique business idea that resonates with your desired lifestyle.

    4. Research AKA Study & Survey - Dive into the importance of understanding your audience's preferences and needs. Learn how Lydia tailors her artwork based on their audience's feedback.

    5. Designing a Roadmap: Lydia's Business Plans: - how Lydia outlines their business plans, sets clear goals, identifies target audiences, and strategizes for financial and marketing aspects.

    6. Automation Systems - Transition from being a sole creator to a visionary curator. Streamline routine tasks, and create efficient systems

    7 Action Steps for You

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    15 Min.
  • 019 Walking Your Way to Creativity - Lessons From Margaritaville
    Oct 13 2023

    Episode 19 Going on a Walkabout - Lessons From Margaritaville

    In Episode 19 of Design a Business You Love Podcast, we take a leisurely stroll into the world of creativity, drawing inspiration from ancient traditions and modern wisdom. Host, Kimberly Design Love introduces the concept of a 'walkabout' and explores how it aligns with the creative process.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. **Walking as a Creative Catalyst:** Learn how the simple act of walking can clear the mind, stimulate the senses, and provide a fresh perspective, reigniting your creative energy.

    2. **Tales from Margaritaville:** Delve into an excerpt from Jimmy Buffett's "Tales from Margaritaville," where he reflects on the Aboriginal concept of a walkabout and how it relates to his own creative journey.

    3. **Julia Cameron's The Artist Way:** Discover the fundamental tools for creatives shared by renowned author Julia Cameron, including journaling, artist's dates and the transformative power of walking.

    4. **Practical Steps for Creative Walking:** Dive into actionable steps to maximize the creative potential of your walks, from embracing nature's palette to capturing inspired insights along the way.

    Conclusion: Embrace the power of walking as a key tool in your creative arsenal. By incorporating this simple practice into your routine, you can unlock new dimensions of imagination and enhance your creative journey.


    Tales From Margaritaville: Short Stories from Jimmy Buffett

    The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Creativity by Julia Cameron

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    8 Min.
  • 018 - Lessons from Margaritaville - Embrace Storytelling Part 5
    Oct 6 2023

    Title: Lessons from Margaritaville: Embrace Storytelling



    In this episode of "Design a Business You Love," we explore the power of storytelling for artists, writers, and entrepreneurs. We learn from Jimmy Buffett's storytelling adventures, how to infuse our work with narratives that resonate deeply with our audience.

    Discover the art of building characters with rich backstories and painting vivid environments that immerse your audience in your world. Share behind-the-scenes insights into your creative process, inviting your audience to be a part of your journey.

    Engage with your audience's stories to create a sense of community and deepen their connection to your work. Embrace storytelling to transform your creative process and craft narratives that leave a lasting impact.

    Tune in to this episode and embark on a journey to infuse your work with soulful stories that captivate hearts and minds. Don't miss out—this episode is a game-changer for every creative soul.

    Free Gift - Discover Your Passion - Discover Your Purpose

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    17 Min.