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  • Why Women Deserve Less

  • Von: Myron Gaines
  • Gesprochen von: Myron Gaines
  • Spieldauer: 2 Std. und 3 Min.
  • 4,4 out of 5 stars (13 Bewertungen)

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Why Women Deserve Less Titelbild

Why Women Deserve Less

Von: Myron Gaines
Gesprochen von: Myron Gaines
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Every man alive today faces a paradox.

Your hardwired biological programming is screaming at you to get girls, get laid, and inevitably start a family.

However, today’s women could not be less interested in today’s men.

In times past, this was not the case. Men and women needed each other, and as a consequence would team up to form families. Families that would not only provide love, purpose, and meaning in life, but would be the foundation that all of society and civlization was built upon. But the perfect political and economic storm has formed that has liberated women from men, making it so women no longer need men to survive. And what every man alive today in the first world is witnessing is how truly little interest women have in men.

Do you ever wonder why a girl stood you up? Or why your mom divorced your dad? What about when your girlfriend suddenly broke up with you or started throwing a tantrum? Or perhaps your wife left you and took your kids? Why, in general, does it feel like pulling teeth to get girls to do anything? These things aren’t “bad luck” or anything specific to you. This is women’s genuine and baseline interest in men. They just don’t like the average guy that much.

But hard as it is to accept this reality, you must, because if you don’t you will do nothing short of destroy your life. Because whereas in the past a man’s sex drive is what drove him to become the best man he could be—providing for his family, protecting them, and ultimately building civilization—today it is your biggest weakness. Because while women no longer need you today, they’re not stupid enough to turn down any free help you’re willing to give them. And many know if they dangle the prospect of sex in front of you, you will provide them money, attention, and resources, essentially making you their part-time slave.

This has resulted in men playing a new game with outdated and life-destroying old rules. Women don’t need you, but still want a man who makes a lot of money. Women won’t give you sex, but will vote to take raise your taxes to pay for their deadbeat baby daddies’ kids. Women won’t date a plumber, but needs his money to bail them out of their liberal arts degree. And if you simply disagree with this slavery, you hate women and are a “misogynist”. Still, millions of men sign up for this indentured servitude because they might get laid.

Why Women Deserve Less merely makes the argument for this to stop. It highlights the ways in which women are benefiting unfairly at nearly every man’s expense. It explains how we are in a post-marriage society where the old-contract between the sexes is null and void, and men no longer need to uphold their end of that outdated contract. It eliminates the confusion women have caused the past four generations of men with a blunt and accurate assessment of women’s true interest in men. And it saves men from wasting their lives trying to form costly and risky relationships with women who, frankly, just aren’t that interested. Why Women Deserve Less opens every man’s eyes to the realities of the modern dating world so you don’t waste your lives like so many generations of men before us.

Do yourself a favor. Buy and listen to Why Women Deserve Less. Your life is just too short and too precious to waste.

©2023 Myron Gaines (P)2023 Myron Gaines

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a lot of info in a short read (we deserve more, they deserve LESS)

Myron has changed my life, he is a great man, if you adapt his path to your feet, you will be successful, please watch his podcast and you will understand more F&F

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To the point

Short to the point no BS and somewhat painful information about relationships and dating dynamics in modern times, a must for any man navigating the 21 century and even for women too maybe reflect their choices in life

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Good content, annoying speaker

Good content but the speaker rushes through the book which makes listening slightly annoying. Get a speaker next time.

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3 Leute fanden das hilfreich

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    4 out of 5 stars

Don’t Be a Simp

Der Ton macht die Musik und Myrons aufgeregter, teilweise empörter Tonfall wirkt auf mich doch recht pubertär.

Ja, Frauen schlagen andere Karrierewege ein als Männer (biologiy matters). Aber an dem Punkt an dem die beruflichen Tätigkeiten von Frauen pauschal abqualifiziert werden, hat der Autor mich verloren. Männer halten sicherlich die Infrastruktur am laufen. Aber wer eigene Kinder hat weiß, was Hebammen (Schichtdienst mit hoher Verantwortung für das Leben von Mutter und Kind), Kindergarten-Erzieherinnen oder Lehrerinnen leisten. Der Job eines Klempners, Elektrikers, Automechanikers oder IT-lers ist da sicherlich um einiges ruhiger.

Einerseits wirft Myron Frauen vor die einfachen Jobs zu machen. Andererseits wird ihr Karrierestreben als sinnlos dargestellt, da es ihnen bei der Partnerwahl keine Punkte bringt...

Aber gut, die Zielgruppe dieses Buches sind junge (amerikanische) Männer. Der Autor macht ihnen unmissverständlich klar kein SIMP zu sein und stattdessen hart (an sich) zu arbeiten, Wenn das Buch dabei hilft, junge Männer auf den richtigen Weg zu bringen, dann hat es seine Berechtigung.

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Great book. Must read for men.

I appreciate that the book is clear, well organized and not too long. This way everyone can get the most important ideas clearly and further do their own research if they want.
I am watching their podcast and agree to most of the ideas expressed and concentrate on the ideas, not on feelings or how they sound.
I am grateful that someone has the courage to speak the truth in a society where „cancel culture“ seems to have scared everyone into silence. Great work!

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  • Mou
  • 03.12.2023

Leider wahr

Gut man muss die Art des Lesers nicht mögen, aber der Großteil ist leider korrekt. Verrückte Zeit, in der wir leben

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