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Voices of History Israel: Archaeology Titelbild

Voices of History Israel: Archaeology

Von: Yigael Yadin, Meshulam Riklis, Baruch Duvdevani, Rahamim Haggag, Nahman Avigad, Benjamin Mazar
Gesprochen von: Yigael Yadin, Meshulam Riklis, Baruch Duvdevani, Rahamim Haggag, Nahman Avigad, Benjamin Mazar
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Never before released audio programs!

Throughout the 1970s, Dr. Samuel J. Citron took it upon himself to interview leading authorities on special topics in contemporary Jewish history, mostly relating to the State of Israel.

Over the course of 10 years of painstaking work, he completed the immense task of pulling together personal accounts of many of the more significant events of the last hundred years.

The land of the Bible holds within it treasures of time and history.

This collection from The Voices of History: Israel includes these recordings:

Masada: Professor Yigael Yagin
The Cave Dwellers:

In The Caves: Meshulam Riklis

Exodus: Baruch Duvdevani

In Israel: Rahamim Haggag

Archaeology: Professor Nahman Avigad

The Bar Kokhba Letters: Professor Yigael Yadin

The Temple Mount Excavations: Prof. Benjamin Mazar

©2019 Dr. Samuel J. Citron (P)2020 WISDOMFEED/BETTERLISTEN

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