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Turn Your Traumas into Treasures Titelbild

Turn Your Traumas into Treasures

Von: Asher A. W., Lavinia Grosanu
Gesprochen von: Lee Eadie
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We approach the concept of trauma from a narrative framework. Trauma happens, and what remains is the language you use to define and describe your experience. The intent of this content is to take you through various states of consciousness, with an elevated state of awareness, to repurpose your traumas and turn them into treasures. It is where you get to have an amazing mental intercourse with yourself or the people who come under your influence by communicating a deeper understanding of your physical experience of reality.

It could feel like being exposed to both perspectives of this poem, but consciously choosing to view your life through the most empowering self-narrative framework.

Failure or treasure? You decide.

I am a failure

So don't try to convince me that

I am treasure

Because at the end of the day

I hate myself in every single way

And I am not going to lie to myself saying

That there is potential inside of me that matters

So, rest assured, I will remind myself

That I am a worthless, incompetent, and useless human being

And nothing you will say will make me believe

I still deserve to achieve my dreams

Because no matter what

I am not good enough to be successful

And I am in no position to believe that

Greatness exists deep within

Because whenever I look in the mirror, I always feel it

Am I a failure, as people say or think I am?

Now go back and read each line in reverse

©2023 Asher A.W., Lavinia Grosanu (P)2023 Asher A.W., Lavinia Grosanu

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