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Trinity Titelbild


Von: Tom DeLonge, A.J. Hartley
Gesprochen von: Kyle Snyder
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It's 1962, in Trinity, Nevada, a small town on the edge of the desert, home to a military base serving the nuclear testing grounds.

Van Lopez and his brother Andy have enough to do keeping their truck running and the local criminal gang happy to be concerned about nuclear tests. Van has dreams, or-he's not sure what to call them-that he cannot explain or forget, but when he sees mysterious lights in the sky, he struggles to make sense of what now feel like his earliest memories.

On the day of the atomic test, the nuclear blast brings down something over Trinity that wasn't supposed to be there-something not of this world. Now Van is running for his life, pursued by a murderous Soviet agent and government forces bent on keeping all he has seen from getting out. Romances and rivalries come to a head as he fights for the things he cares about most, and in that final battle, he may have to make allies of his oldest enemies.

A thrilling new novel by the creators of Sekret Machines who, with the help of a team of government insiders, exposed the secret pentagon UFO program that captured America's attention and led to the first public congressional hearings about unidentified flying objects.

©2024 To The Starts Media Inc. (P)2024 Tantor

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