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Total Monster Invasion Titelbild

Total Monster Invasion

Von: Rob Baddorf, Curt Sisco
Gesprochen von: Curt Sisco
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Doc and friends were experts at trapping monsters. Now the undefeated team is self-destructing while Doc faces an all-new enemy: fear.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs meets Stranger Things!

In all of their monster hunts, the club had never failed. Not until the last hunt. Now an innocent girl lies in a coma, and Doc feels personally responsible.

After the attack, theories spiraled all over the town. Some said the girl was attacked by rabid animals. Others said poison oak. A few suggested alien abduction. But no theory could explain how she ended up at the top of a 30-foot tree, where the police had found her wrapped head to toe in a sticky white substance. Her doctors found a “mysterious” poison in her system, but none of them could agree on what it was. Still, everyone knew where the problems stemmed from—the radiation leak from Three Mile Island (TMI) in 1979.

Doc, on the other hand, doesn’t want to think about any of it. He wants life to return to normal. But a new creature—the biggest yet—is destroying things on the outskirts of town. And if Doc and his Monster Club can’t get over themselves, and fast, they will end up the next victims!

Get your own copy of this funny thriller now!

The story’s family-friendly tone will attract fans of Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty and Greyson Gray by B.C. Tweedt.

Both authors grew up near Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant in the era of the infamous accident. Rob Baddorf is the creative director of Jar of Lightning and has published several books, including Spoiled and Christmas Papercraft Village. Curt Sisco is the general manager and scriptwriter for Hershey Trolley Works, the largest small-town sightseeing tour in the country.

©2021 Rob Baddorf (P)2022 Rob Baddorf

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