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Tikkun Olam: A Jewish Approach for Redeeming the World Titelbild

Tikkun Olam: A Jewish Approach for Redeeming the World

Von: Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez
Gesprochen von: Joseph Kwartin
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"Tikkun Olam" is a ubiquitous phrase in many Jewish circles. What does it exactly mean? Many Jews think it means social activism, environmentalism, or political involvement. These are often seen as the vehicles for bringing about a better world. However, what do traditional Jewish sources consider as Tikkun Olam? Tikkun Olam is a Jewish approach to redeeming the world through Israel’s history and spread of the knowledge of God throughout the world. Discover what this means by examining Jewish texts.

The concept of Tikkun Olam (repairing, improving, or perfecting the world) has pervaded Jewish thought throughout the ages. Though the actual phrase “Tikkun Olam” is seldom found explicitly in Jewish sources, it remains the heart of Judaism authenticated. Modern movements in Judaism often embrace their particular understanding of Tikkun Olam as the principle or ideal that the Jewish community can best embrace to con-tribute to the betterment of modern society. Now as a note to the Jewish listener, American Reform Judaism has interpreted the classical concept of Tikkun Olam in light of Jew’s current participation in modern politics.

Traditional Jewish attitudes on Tikkun Olam naturally vary throughout rabbinic sources. To what extent Jews should actively engage the world is a complicated question, a question whose answer or the tragic saga of Jewish history has naturally shaped responses.

There is one agreement between halakhic sources, and that is of the Noahide laws. The seven Noachide laws (or better said the seven categories of Noachide laws) reflect a basic morality which God demands of all humanity. The purpose here is not to in any way diminish the importance of these much-needed improvements. It is merely to recognize that Tikkun Olam cannot stand on these concepts alone. If history has taught us anything, it is that man has not progressed to higher standards of behavior. On the contrary, man’s disposition most often gravitates toward a degenerate.

©2017 Juan Marcos Gutierrez (P)2022 Juan Marcos Gutierrez

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