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Von: Mike Oulton
Gesprochen von: Callan Friesen
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There was a time before 9/11 where anyone could smuggle drugs across borders and get away with it. In the '90s, smuggling drugs was easy. Planes, trains, or automobiles worked. Well, it did for some people—not for me.

I tried to smuggle drugs across the Mexican/USA border and got caught, but that didn't change my life. What I experienced inside the walls of a Mexican prison was a sense of humanity and self-realization. I found the person who I had been running from my whole life and came back to reality with a plan on how to use my superpowers for good instead of evil.

But that journey to get to this point hurt...a lot. It was filled with violence, profound reflection, a lot of truth, and learning how to love myself and those around me.

People always ask me what it was like in a Mexican prison. I tell them that loneliness was the hardest part. Seeing how people abandoned me and cast me away as a failure. Hearing all the negative things said about me and realizing that I was alone. There were only a couple people who stood by me, showing their love for me by sacrificing parts of their own lives so I could survive.

But life in a Mexican prison is nothing compared to the inhumanity and chaos I had to endure in my own country's correctional system. This book details the journey I went through to find my truth, and tells you how to survive in a place where no-one cares if you live or die.

This book details every step of my arduous journey towards being straight and living a life that's worth talking about.

There's no such thing as a halfway crook.

©2010 Mike Oulton (P)2023 Mike Oulton

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