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The Trinity Titelbild

The Trinity

Von: Chris Philbrook
Gesprochen von: James Anderson Foster
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(2024 re-release!!)

A full year of blood and tears has passed for Adrian Ring. As the dead remain hateful, the living are more desperate than ever: winter approaches and supplies are dwindling. Meanwhile, the conflict with the monsters at the Factory is reaching a boiling point. But Adrian won't have to fight alone. Kevin and Michelle, his unwitting compatriots in the scheme to save the world, are following signs and portents to make their way to a hero they don't yet know. To meet them, Adrian will have to weather treachery, starvation, violent attacks… and perhaps worst of all, the temptation of an easy way out. The Trinity, the seventh book of Adrian's Undead Diary, splits the world wide open.

The inner workings of good and evil, and what happened on 'that day' in Washington D.C, will finally be revealed. The endgame begins. The Trinity contains Adrian's diary entries from September 2nd, 2011 to December 22nd, 2011. It's also the home for the side fictions White Blood Cell, The Factory, Dreams of a Dying Man, The Road to Bastion, and A Stranger Among Us.

©2014, 2024 Chris Philbrook (P)2015 Chris Philbrook

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