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The Search for the Secret Door Titelbild

The Search for the Secret Door

Von: Rita June-Jack
Gesprochen von: Apogor Edogor
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Today, we reminded grandpa of the unfinished Secret Door story. He promised to conclude the story the following day.

“We must find the door before tomorrow,” I told my cousins.

So, we decided to play the detectives. After dinner that evening, we all sneaked downstairs in search of the secret door.

“We must surprise Grandpa by discovering the secret door on our own,” I said to my cousins.

“That is right, and I am sure Grandpa will be very proud of us,” Dubem said.

“The door must be somewhere in this house, did you ask your mummy?” Kansi asked me.

“Of course, I did, but she would not tell,” I replied.

“They will not tell! Adults like to keep secrets, but we will surprise them," boasted Goziem.

We were busy opening each door until we got to a particular door that was locked. We looked at each other with satisfaction that we have finally discovered the door.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it!” I shouted.

Was it the secret door they had been looking for all this time? To find out, buy The Secret Door now!

©2021 Rita June-Jack (P)2021 Rita June-Jack

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