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The Language of the Wind: Blueberry Juice for the Soul Titelbild

The Language of the Wind: Blueberry Juice for the Soul

Von: Dale Stubbart
Gesprochen von: Chiquito Joaquim Crasto
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Wind can seem brutal, wind can seem gentle. In actuality, wind is neither - wind just is. Some words for wind are blast, breeze, chinook, cyclone, gale, gust, typhoon, tornado, hurricane, zephyr. Brisa is Spanish for breeze. Similar sounding words for breeze exist in most European languages. Zephyr is Greek for breeze. In Hawaii, gentle winds are called trade winds, moa'a or makani 'olu'olu. Makani is the main Hawaiian word for wind, but there are perhaps 200 names for wind in Hawaiian. 

There are over 6,000 languages in the world, so there are probably over 60,000 words for wind. But what is the language of the wind? If you listen, you can hear it. But the easiest way to learn the language of the wind is to become its child. In this audiobook, we will explore some of the language of the wind. I invite you to listen to what the wind is saying to you. What words is it teaching you? What pictures is it showing you? What smells is it bringing to your nostrils? What tastes to your tongue? When you touch the wind, how does it feel? When you sit on its lap or are embraced in its arms, what is that like? The wind is the ultimate truth, the relationship of relationships, the healer, the one who blesses us, the one who lets us know we really are okay, the most loving heart. The wind is your best friend and advocate. The wind is always there, to hold you and console you. The wind enjoys guiding you on your journey. The wind wants the best for you.

©Since 2018 Dale Stubbart (P)2018 Dale Stubbart

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