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The Fated Titelbild

The Fated

Von: Slate R. Raven
Gesprochen von: Larry Oblander
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Several people’s lives are cosmically interwoven by a violent game. It brings destruction and death to anyone who crosses its path. No one is safe. Where does destiny end and when does fate take over? 

Jonas had been on the run since he was 13. A group pursued him, but he didn’t know why. Yet he knew that if they’d ever find him, he will die. He lived a solitary life to survive until his dreams began. Each dream revealed a new piece of an ever-widening puzzle. A mystery woman haunted his slumber, drawing him closer to the destiny he knew and feared. 

Tammy's life was drastically altered by an encounter in a dark alley. She had seen what no one else in the world had lived to tell about. When it was time to act, she had faltered and feared for her life. Could she tell the world what she had witnessed, and would anyone believe her? How could she live with the knowledge that made her life a living hell? 

Stacey had won the lottery, and everyone wanted a piece of it. The only person she felt she could trust was her best friend, Tammy. However, Tammy began having serious problems after the terrible night in the alley. Stacey had decided to hire a bodyguard to protect them. But, before long, she developed romantic feelings for their protector, which distracted them from their main concern...keeping Tammy safe. 

What will become of these people whose lives are intertwined by destiny and fate into a fierce game? With lives on the line, and devastation on the horizon is anything or anyone safe? It’s only where destiny lands that you can find The Fated.

©2020 Slate R. Raven (P)2020 Slate R. Raven

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