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The Dollhouse Asylum Titelbild

The Dollhouse Asylum

Von: Mary Gray
Gesprochen von: Noelle Hensler
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A novel about escaping psychological abuse.

When the world is breaking all someone wants is safety. A virus that had once been contained has returned, and soon no place will be left untouched. But when 18-year-old Cheyenne wakes up in Elysian Fields-a subdivision cut off from the world and its monster-creating virus-she is thrilled to have a chance at survival. At first, Elysian Fields-with its beautiful houses and manicured lawns-is perfect. Teo Richardson, the older man who stole her heart, built it so they could be together. But when Teo tells Cheyenne there are tests that she and seven other couples must pass to be worthy of salvation, Cheyenne begins to question the perfection of his world. The people they were before are gone. Cheyenne is now Persephone, and each couple has been re-named to reflect the most tragic romances ever told. Teo dresses them up, tells them when to move and how to act, and in order to pass the test, they must play along. Play it right, then they'll be safe. But play it wrong, they'll die.

©2013 Mary Gray (P)2017 Mary Gray

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