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Thailand Titelbild


Von: The Blether
Gesprochen von: Anthony J. Miano
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Would you like to know what Thai people think of women working in the farang sex trade? And why do they find themselves consorting with sex tourists, instead of having happy relationships with childhood sweethearts?

"Thai man, no good-my girl is different-she has no choice." These are just some of the topics I cover in this audiobook, and I decode the truth for you. Foreign men are a laughing stock among the Thai community, and Thai men think we are world-class idiots. They think we are gullible, and far too many farang men prove them correct. And that's due to delusions that never die.

It's astonishing the utter nonsense that far too many farangs believe. In this audiobook, I'll expose these chronic fantasies. You'll discover the alternate point of view, understand the nature of the lies, and get insight into the roots of the delusions. And best of all, this audiobook will help you avoid the circle-jerk of stupidity that pollutes the ex-pat bar scene.

©2022 David Bradley (P)2022 David Bradley

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