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  • Stretching and Flexibility for Men

  • From Beginners to Gym Rats, This Is Your All-Inclusive Guide to Stretching and Flexibility for Joint Pain, Introduction to Exercise, and Other Benefits
  • Von: Benjamin Lucas
  • Gesprochen von: Charles D. Hines
  • Spieldauer: 2 Std. und 53 Min.

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Stretching and Flexibility for Men Titelbild

Stretching and Flexibility for Men

Von: Benjamin Lucas
Gesprochen von: Charles D. Hines
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Do you want to use your body to its fullest potential while also protecting and sustaining it for years to come?

In the summer of 2016, I suffered an injury to my right knee. I knew I had pulled a muscle, but couldn’t figure out which one. I shunned away from getting an MRI because I had too much movement in my leg to have torn a meniscus, ACL, or MCL. For years, there were constant doctor visits and opinions, prescriptions, and physical therapy, but all the while the pain persisted on and off. It interfered with driving, standing, and my workouts. It wasn’t until a friend told me that I should start stretching every day and I listened that my pain started to fade away.

This self-made miracle brought me into the world of stretching, and it has caused me to realize how important it is for the entire body. Now, I want to share all that I’ve learned with you.

In this book you will discover:

An entry point into the world of starting to move your body.

The many ways that stretching can have amazing effects on your body.

A catalog of stretches for every major section of your body.

Images and step-by-step instructions to perform each stretch in good and accurate form.

Access to the world of flexibility and body maintenance, whether you are a super athlete or don’t exercise at all.

I want to make sure that I am clear. You do not have to be someone who stretches every day or someone who exercises several times a week. This audiobook was made for the beginner who’s never used their body before to the moderately and advanced active man. This audiobook is your guide to a healthy, fully functioning body and a happy healthy life through stretching.

©2022 Brandon B Oakley (P)2023 Brandon B Oakley

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