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Securing the CI/CD Pipeline Titelbild

Securing the CI/CD Pipeline

Von: Sai Sravan Cherukuri
Gesprochen von: Tyler Nissen
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"SECURING THE CI/CD PIPELINE: Best Practices for DevSecOps" is a comprehensive guide that integrates security into Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. Essential for anyone in modern software development, it emphasizes balancing speed and security.

Key features include:

-DevSecOps Focus**: Highlights the importance of integrating security into the development process (Shift Left).

- Container Security**: Teaches effective security for containerized environments throughout the development lifecycle.

- Policy-as-Code (PaC)**: Explains automating compliance through PaC to streamline security processes.

- Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)**: Shows how IaC can transform IT infrastructure management with automation, version control, and resource consistency.

- Collaboration**: Provides strategies for fostering a cohesive environment between development and security teams.

- Real-World Examples**: Offers case studies and practical solutions to illustrate the benefits of IaC and PaC.

- Open-Source Tool**: Introduces a tool for project monitoring, self-assessment, and metric management, enhancing DevSecOps practices.

- Interactive Learning**: Enables engagement with the author via email or LinkedIn for personalized guidance.

- Deep Dive into CI/CD**: Explores the core components of CI/CD pipelines, common security challenges, and the importance of early integration.

- Web3 Technologies**: Provides practical guidance on leveraging Web3 technologies for enhanced security and efficiency.

- Best Practices**: Illustrates best practices for overcoming security challenges, integrating testing tools, and using Web3 technologies with real-world examples.

"SECURING THE CI/CD PIPELINE: Best Practices for DevSecOps" is more than a guide; it's a roadmap to excellence in software development. Get your copy today and advance towards more secure and efficient development practices.

©2024 Sai Srava (P)2024 Sai Sravan Cherukuri

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