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  • Procrastination

  • Guide to the Psychology of Motivation. Beat Your Addictions and Bad Habits, Destroy and Overcome Laziness, Cure Your Mind and Become Productive.
  • Von: Scott Brain
  • Gesprochen von: Mark Resilience
  • Spieldauer: 5 Std. und 9 Min.

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Von: Scott Brain
Gesprochen von: Mark Resilience
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Millions of opportunities are thrown to the trash can, and billions of labor hours lost across the world. There is no more exceptional thief of time, labor, and opportunity than procrastination.

That moment you find yourself trying very hard to do the required thing at the moment that you should or would like to do, procrastination has set indefinitely. Having said so, procrastination is also engaging in the more pleasurable things than engaging in the less pleasurable activities, and postponing and putting off awaiting tasks to another chosen time. 

Procrastination is voluntarily delaying a planned course of action, despite expecting the worst for doing the wrong thing at that moment.

This book covers:

  • Procrastination and laziness
  • Addiction and procrastination - two sides of the same currency
  • Inability to make decisions 
  • Living and working with procrastinators
  • How to build mental endurance and self-discipline
  • Learning to say yes and no
  • Practical methods to stop procrastinating to become more productive
  • The daily habits you need to embrace to strengthen your mind and harden your determination
  • Setting to achieve objectives
  • Caring for oneself with self-hypnosis

And much more! 

The purpose of this beginner's guide is to break down and analyze the reasons why we procrastinate and guide you through proven solutions that will help you eliminate the habit of procrastination. The guide will explain what motivation is, and how you can stay motivated, making it easier to take action. 

Well, you will be in luck if you decide to listen to a book that will transform you from a chronic procrastinator to a productive person. You will learn what the techniques to eliminating procrastination are and how to apply them successfully. You should know that getting started is not enough to procrastinate less.

What are you waiting for? Click and buy now!

©2020 Scott Brain (P)2020 Scott Brain

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