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Politics of Guilt & Pity Titelbild

Politics of Guilt & Pity

Von: R. J. Rushdoony
Gesprochen von: Nathan F. Conkey
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From the foreword by Steve Schlissel, "Rushdoony sounds the clarion call of liberty for all who remain oppressed by Christian leaders who wrongfully lord it over the souls of God's righteous ones...I pray that the entire book will not only instruct you in the method and content of a biblical worldview but actually bring you further into the glorious freedom of the children of God. Those who walk in wisdom's ways become immune to the politics of guilt and pity."

Man has trampled God's law underfoot. In doing so, he has misused himself and trampled on the God-given rights of his fellowman. He is conscious of his guilt and seeks self-justification through self-atonement. The author makes it perfectly clear that there is only one way of escape from present slough and despair. It is in turning in heartfelt repentance to God who has already provided atonement in the sacrifice of his son. And true repentance includes a return to the doing of God's will as revealed in God's word, the Bible.

©1970, 1995 Chalcedon Foundation (P)2022 Chalcedon Foundation

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