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Parlor of Perdition Titelbild

Parlor of Perdition

Von: Martin Francom
Gesprochen von: Andy Platter
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Imagine if you will, a quartet of worldly gentlemen who fancy themselves armchair philosophers, and would be despots in control of the world, sipping brandy by the fire. But their smoky parlor rhetoric belies a much darker pursuit, one that seeks to unravel the very fabric of truth, justice and human decency. For you see, they are but the public face of a shadowy cabal hell-bent on eroding the very pillars of moral rectitude upon which society was built. They will do the bidding of Beelzebub. But even with all the power of the darkside of the force behind them will they be able to enslave the world?

Tonight, you'll journey with them down a twisting, shadow-choked path into a sinister parallel dimension - one where virtue is vice, fact becomes distortion, and the line separating order from chaos blurs into a haze of moral relativism. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind - a terrifying dystopian realm where the brightest beacons of ethics and human enlightenment are subverted into tools of civilization's own decay. Follow if you dare, but be warned - this particular road may lead you to a...Hellish Nightmare.

©2024 Martin Francom (P)2024 Martin Francom

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