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Murderous Titelbild


Von: Elizabeth Knox
Gesprochen von: Jason Fella
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I had one taste and all I wanted was more.


My brothers have been on me for ages about being with Esperanza, the club’s lawyer, but I always wrote it off. I always told myself I shouldn’t mix business with pleasure, and that we wouldn’t be a good match. I figured we were cut from the same cloth and it would be a disaster . . . that is, until I crossed a line with her one fateful night.

I was weak and alcohol was swarming through our veins. Love was in the air, and I guess we both didn’t want to be alone. It was circumstantial that we even ended up in her bed in the first place, but after that first time, I wanted more. The sex was amazing, and every bit of confidence she has in the courtroom translates into the bedroom as well. What you see is what you get with Esperanza, and all I wanted was more. Little did I know she didn’t. All she wanted was something casual. She didn’t want commitment. I didn’t understand why at first, but over time I figured it out: she was afraid of it.

We weren’t slow with the physical aspect of our relationship, but I took my time peeling back the layers that made Esperanza the woman she is. Eventually, I found out we both had traumas from the past. I had no doubt I found the woman for me, but just like always, shit with the club has to come and f--k everything I’ve worked for up . . . and I could lose the thing I’ve been fighting for with a snap of my fingers.

**Murderous is the seventh book in the Raiders of Valhalla MC series by Elizabeth Knox. It is not recommended to listen to this book as a standalone. Please note, subjects within this book can be triggering and this is intended for mature audiences only.

©2024 Elizabeth Knox (P)2024 Elizabeth Knox

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