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Mastering Relationship Skills for the 21st Century Man Titelbild

Mastering Relationship Skills for the 21st Century Man

Von: Judson Brandeis MD
Gesprochen von: Judson Brandeis
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Mastering relationships is the key to a happy life for a man.

Chapter 1. Find Yourself a Partner Who Can Be Your Best Friend. Realizing that we all have different temperaments enables us to understand what makes others tick. Temperament theory is easy to grasp, and we can use it as a lens to deepen our empathy and relationships. Nancy Faass, MSW, MPH, health writer

Chapter 2, 3, and 4. Counseling and Communication. “Conflict resolution” gives the impression that you can talk about an issue once and it’s over. In reality, certain issues tend to keep resurfacing. Couples who stay connected are able to talk about stressful issues in a way that furthers the relationship. In couple’s therapy, we practice listening (really listening) to hear each other and be heard. Brett Beaver, LMFT, couple’s therapist

Chapter 5. A Guy’s Guide to Menopause. This outstanding chapter reviews the physical and emotional challenges women experience with aging, paired with treatment options that include lifestyle, nutrients, localized treatments, hormone testing, and hormone balancing. Russell Bartels, MD, gynecologist

Chapter 6. Can Avoiding Divorce Improve Your Wellbeing? Pros and cons of marriage: The truth is that divorce could result in your having passionate sex again. More truth. Marriage can enhance your quality of life, helping you grow as a person and even live longer. Jonathan D. Larose, Esq., MBA, litigator and mediator

Chapter 7. Fatherhood. Men report that parenthood has made them more patient, and understanding; more tolerant of others; more concerned about making the world a better place; and a better husband, friend, employee, employer, and person. Armin Brott, bestselling author

Chapter 8. Practicing Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully in the present moment. This can decrease emotional reactivity, shifting us out of the stress response into a mode of relaxation. Practiced over time, mindfulness can be lifechanging. Dean Pohlman, trainer & author

©2022 Judson Brandeis, MD (P)2022 Judson Brandeis, MD

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