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Lone Star Odyssey Titelbild

Lone Star Odyssey

Von: David Wilson
Gesprochen von: Steve Carlson
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After over 20 years in the USMC and coming off a five-year tour as a contractor in Afghanistan, all Talon Clark wanted to do was spend time with his kids and wife on his ranch in Texas. Occasionally, taking a short-term contract job to pay the bills, Talon is marooned in Washington, DC, when the nation is attacked by a series of false flag operations against our infrastructure and is then devastated by a series of EMP attacks. With every major city burning and the nation’s electrical grid down, civil order has deteriorated to the point of no return, at least for the immediate future.

Separated by over 1,400 miles from his family, Talon sets out on foot to get home as fast as he can relying on his skills and experience. With only about a week’s worth of supplies in his get home bag, Talon must find supplies as quickly as he can and get out of the DC Metro area before the chaos overwhelms him. From his first steps, he finds out nothing is going to be easy or fast.

©2019 David K. Wilson (P)2019 David K. Wilson

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