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Lenny Among Ghosts Titelbild

Lenny Among Ghosts

Von: Frank Maria Reifenberg, Thilo Krapp - illustrator, Rachel Reynolds - translator
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What happens when you’re the only human student in a school for ghosts?

Lenny has no idea of the adventure he’s in for when his parents decide to take an extended research trip and sign him up for a boarding school in an old German castle. But even before leaving for the school, it seems like something is trying to prevent Lenny from going…

Once he arrives at Shadowsnout Castle Academy, a couple more things become clear: (1) this is not your average school, and (2) Lenny is probably in some serious danger. Lenny needs an escape plan—and fast.

As Lenny makes his way through the school (and some most unusual classes), he’s plunged into a world of turning heads, rhyming radio ghosts, invisible pirates, and floating maidens, each with their own creepiness factor—and, surprisingly, charm. And when the school comes under attack by outside forces, Lenny finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew. What if, maybe, being here, right now, was his destiny all along?

©2018 dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. (P)2024 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. Translation © 2024 by Rachel Reynolds.

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