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  • King of Commission

  • A Sales Success Guided Meditation of Affirmations
  • Von: Intrepid Publishing
  • Gesprochen von: Emily Murphy
  • Spieldauer: 8 Std. und 24 Min.

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King of Commission

Von: Intrepid Publishing
Gesprochen von: Emily Murphy
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Are you tired of wasting time with your prospects? Are you tired of fiercely struggling to overcome their objections, just to have the door slammed in your face once again?

Some people have spent years struggling on their own and living in poverty trying to develop the strong mindset that makes them a true power-closer. The King of Commission system is designed to program anyone’s mindset for automatic sales success. The more sales success that you have, the more financial freedom you can enjoy!

You have been trying your very best, but you’ve used the wrong techniques. Quit struggling uphill. For less than the price of a few cups of coffee, the King of Commission system will train your brain to naturally think like a high-income power-closer.

Affirmations have been used ever since the first Olympic games in ancient Greece. It has only become popular in mainstream sales and business culture within the last 10 to 15 years. Salesmen and women all over the world are using affirmations to boost their sales closure rate. That makes the marketplace increasingly more competitive. Don’t fall behind and lose sales to your hungry competitors.

Affirmations, like the ones in King of Commission, have helped shy rookie salespeople. Gabriel started a career with a sales organization. He was shy, he had dyslexia, and he stuttered badly. He had almost no hope of becoming even a mediocre salesman; he didn’t even dare to dream about becoming a true power-closer. With a little bit of time and lots of affirmations, Gabriel was able to overcome his challenges. He became the highest-earning sales professional in a large sales organization.

King of Commission is designed to be used at night to fall asleep to, but it can be used and should be used as often as possible, anytime. Even if you don’t have any available "free time", you can still use King of Commission for eight hours while you are sleeping. This will work for any English speaker in any sales company in any country.

Do something important for yourself! Get a copy of King of Commission today! Give yourself a big boost to your sales career and your financial freedom!

©2021 Intrepid Publishing (P)2021 Intrepid Publishing

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