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Keepers of the Stones and Stars Titelbild

Keepers of the Stones and Stars

Von: Michael Barakiva
Gesprochen von: Stephen Bel Davies, Frankie Corzo
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Für 49,95 € vorbestellen

Für 49,95 € vorbestellen

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Reed is leading his best life: he’s just kissed the boy of his dreams, his band is finally taking off, and he’s a shoo-in to getting elected as next year’s Student Council president. But he’s ready to give it all up when his suspiciously aristocratic guidance counselor tells him he has been chosen to go on the adventure of a lifetime.

Because Reed is the first of five Stone Bearers to be chosen by magical gems and granted their powers. All he has to do is unite all five and lead them to seal a portal that will release an onslaught of uncontrollable chaotic magical energies and destroy the world as we know it. It’s up to the Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Emerald, and Amethyst Bearers to save the world, fulfilling their roles in a centuries-old cycle that dates back to 17th century Mughal India and the first Keepers of the Stones and Stars. This original young-adult fantasy adventure combines the modern voice of Rainbow Rowell's Carry On series with the complex magic of The Magicians and a queer multiracial cast.

©2024 Michael Barakiva (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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