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  • Joshua Judges Ruth

  • 3 Old Testament Books from the Easy to Understand, Read Bible (EUR) (The Bible)
  • Von: Dan Parr
  • Gesprochen von: Dan Parr
  • Spieldauer: 3 Std. und 3 Min.

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Joshua Judges Ruth Titelbild

Joshua Judges Ruth

Von: Dan Parr
Gesprochen von: Dan Parr
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The books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth are part of the Old Testament of the Bible. They are considered historical books and tell stories of events occurring in historical time and place. Joshua is the sixth book of the Bible and tells the story of Israel’s conquest of Canaan. Judges is the seventh book of the Bible and tells the story of Israel’s history from the death of Joshua to the rise of the monarchy. Ruth is the eighth book of the Bible and tells the story of a Moabite woman who married an Israelite and became an ancestor of King David.

The book of Joshua describes how God helped Israel conquer Canaan by giving them victory over their enemies. The book also describes how Joshua divided the land among the twelve tribes of Israel. The book of Judges describes how Israel fell into sin and idolatry after Joshua’s death. God raised up judges to deliver Israel from their enemies. The book also describes how Israel became a monarchy under King Saul. The book of Ruth is a love story that takes place during the time of the judges. It tells the story of Ruth, a Moabite woman who married an Israelite named Boaz. Ruth became an ancestor of King David and Jesus Christ.

This is 3-piece collection is part of the Easy to Understand, Read Version (EUR) of the Bible. The Bible is God's Word and it has the power to change lives. If you want to know what's to come, need to understand who Jesus is, have fear or anxiety, feel empty inside, need love, understanding, peace, joy...the Bible holds the answers you need.

The Bible is different than every other book. It is more than a narrative about God, it is more than a story of broken individuals and the trials they faced. It is more than a set of rules and regulations. It is even more than a love letter. It is the very essence of Jesus. It is about Him, but there is more than that. It is God’s conversation with us. It is alive. It is active. It is a 2-way conversation. Through the Easy to Understand, Read Audio Bible you have the opportunity to hear God speak to you.

When we need wisdom, insight, guidance God has given us the Bible. It’s a powerful and intimate way to listen to Him and it is the primary way God tells us about Himself. The Easy to Understand, Read audio Bible is a tool God can use to speak to you. Each one of the audio books is an invitation to hear what God is saying to you, and can help you become closer to Him.

©2023 Dan Parr (P)2023 Dan Parr

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