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  • How to Make Money off of Other People's Followers

  • Ditch the Content Grind and Leverage Other Creators' Audiences
  • Von: Sapphire Ortega
  • Gesprochen von: Stephanie Quinn
  • Spieldauer: 1 Std. und 11 Min.

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How to Make Money off of Other People's Followers Titelbild

How to Make Money off of Other People's Followers

Von: Sapphire Ortega
Gesprochen von: Stephanie Quinn
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Building your own following doesn’t work! But who said you needed your own huge following to make money? Why not leverage followings that other people have already built to your advantage and make money using followers that aren’t even your own?

Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this book:

-Why the old way of trying to make money on social media doesn’t work

-Different ways you can make money from other people’s followers

-How to make money on social media even if you have nothing to invest

-Different ideas for what you can sell to make money

-How to execute your strategy to generate leads

-How to warm your leads up to make selling to them seamless

-Why everyone is obsessed with building a following and why you shouldn’t be

-Why having a big following doesn’t even guarantee success

Right now the idea of making money using someone else’s followers might sound like pie in the sky. I can totally understand your skepticism, but the proof is right in front of you. If you’ve spent a considerable amount of time trying to build your own following, how has it worked out for you so far? My guess is that your results have been lackluster.

Look, you don’t have to go on a reality TV show to build a following and try to make money from it. Instead, you can shortcut the process by following the advice that I outline in this book. So what are you waiting for? There’s money to be made!

©2024 Sapphire Ortega (P)2024 Sapphire Ortega

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