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How to Fix Yourself the Unfixable Titelbild

How to Fix Yourself the Unfixable

Von: Gabriel Gibbens
Gesprochen von: Gabriel Gibbens
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In "How to Fix Yourself the Unfixable," the author invites listeners to embark on a transformative journey, starting with a fascinating revelation about the significance of protein in our lives. Often overlooked, protein is a vital component of our diet, essential for our body and brain's optimal functioning. In today's world of processed foods, it's likely that you're not getting all the necessary protein you need.

The author introduces a solution in the form of their premium Whey Protein and Multi-Collagen powder, aptly named 'Sunshine in a Bag.' This innovative mix offers a simple and delicious way to incorporate essential proteins into your daily routine, providing the amino acids your brain craves for optimal processing and bolstering your immune system and overall well-being.

But this book isn't just about longevity; it's also about feeling and looking your best. The author advocates bidding farewell to sugary beverages and processed meats and instead embracing a healthier lifestyle rich in protein. It's a journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

The book acknowledges that many individuals often find themselves wanting to improve various aspects of their lives, including mental and physical health, relationships, and diet. It emphasizes the importance of taking small steps toward positive change, encouraging listeners to start with one new activity or habit each week or month to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

While you can't change your genes or completely control your environment, "How to Fix Yourself the Unfixable" highlights the lifestyle choices within your grasp. By being informed and intentional about your diet, activity level, sleep, and habits, you can reduce health risks and potentially add years to your life. The book explores six crucial lifestyle factors backed by the best available evidence and shows you why they matter and how to begin making positive changes.

Embark on a journey of selfimprovement

©2023 Gabriel Gibbens (P)2024 Gabriel Gibbens

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