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Hell Started at 24 Titelbild

Hell Started at 24

Von: Kettlyne StCyr, Jupshy Jasmin
Gesprochen von: Danielle Harris
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When all is lost, are you willing to seek the dove of hope amid Hell's fiery furnace?

People today hardly ever think about Hell unless it is a scene in a Hollywood blockbuster. A journey of despair and distress can be metaphorical, but it can also be quite literal and waiting around the next corner. No one plans on sudden health complications or a substantial loss of income, but life is full of randomness and the unexpected. No matter how much we fool ourselves into thinking that we have a firm grip on our fate, a transformative change can cause the fairy tale to fade and disappear.

Join me as we explore the idyllic life of a young woman who at one moment had everything working for her just to lose it all within one short year. We will evaluate each life event and its correlation to mental health to educate and raise awareness.

©2021 Kettlyne StCyr (P)2022 Kettlyne StCyr

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