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Freud Titelbild


Von: R. J. Rushdoony
Gesprochen von: Nathan Conkey
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Why listen to a book on Freud? 

As long as man views guilt as a problem for science instead of religion, the influence of Sigmund Freud will remain lurking in the mind of modern man. Freud was an architect of the modern mind - and unholy builder - like Marx and Darwin.

Freud was also a hater of religion - specifically the Bible and its absolute standard. He believed Biblical theism to be the "delusion" which compounded man's central problem of guilt. Freud wanted man to accept his moral predicament without reference to sin.

Freud's motivation for psychoanalysis became the removal of guilt by self-acceptance. He posited that man's moral predicament was inescapable and guilt inevitable, unless man could come to terms with his moral prison. This ideology has spawned the new morality of our time, where both the homosexual and Christian must accept and embrace an immoral lifestyle. It is now called mental sickness for the homosexual to condemn himself and evidence of mental illness for anyone to condemn the homosexual. This is a destructive ethic, consistent with Freud seeing himself as a destroyer.

His purpose was to disassociate guilt from sin, making it a problem for science rather than faith. Through this revision Freud hoped to destroy religion. But the removal of Christian religious influence leads only to tyranny as the Christian God is replaced by the dictatorial rule of the scientific elite. Totalitarianism assumes the place of the Triune God as scientific rulers seek control over every facet of life.

Freud's therapy was scientific socialism: a syncretism of the scientific and political agendas of modern man. This analysis of one of history's most insidious players will provide insight into the modern rush to abolish Christianity and Biblical thought.

©1965, 2006, 2020 Chalcedon (P)2020 Chalcedon

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