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Freedom from Soul Wounds and Demons: Your Breakthrough to True Peace & Joy Titelbild

Freedom from Soul Wounds and Demons: Your Breakthrough to True Peace & Joy

Von: Nelson L. Schuman
Gesprochen von: Nelson L. Schuman
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Freedom From Soul Wounds and Demons helps you understand what happens when you get your soul (mind, will, and emotions) wounded growing up by a parent, step-parent, adopted parent, relatives, siblings, friends, neighbors, et al., when they treat you in ways that hurt you or cause you wounds or trauma (being wounded emotionally, verbally, physically, or sexually) and the correlation of how you will have negative thoughts, memories, emotions, and reactions due to those wounds later in life. It explains how demonic spirits will have legal rights to torment you in your mind (and body) causing you to trigger on other people and creating strife, arguments, fear, anxiety, bitterness, depression, suicidal thoughts, and other negative feelings. When you ask Jesus to show you why people hurt you then you will learn that the people who hurt you were also hurt, which makes it easier to truly forgive them from your heart and take away the legal rights of the demons from tormenting you. You will then have much more peace and good thoughts in your mind and have more joy and often much better health in your body due to this freedom.

People around the world have been choosing to get their soul wounds healed and delivered from their demons and have seen their lives change to have the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control". Learn how to get your soul wounds healed and demons delivered with a step by step guide listed.

©2021 Nelson L. Schuman (P)2021 Nelson L. Schuman

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